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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
Sonny Hendrawan Saputra Mohon Tunggu...

Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.



Travel Story

Life in Jakarta #8 : Cosplay in Ennichisai Japanese Festival

26 Mei 2014   08:17 Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015   22:06 67
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[caption id="attachment_308476" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Cosplay in Action"][/caption]

Living in Jakarta means having opportunity to have multicultural experiences.  Not only to know diverse cultures from Indonesia in this capital city, but also to know cultures from many countries. Yesterday I spent my afternoon by enjoying Ennichisai Japanese Festival 2014. The event conducted in May 23 and 24 was a great moment for exploring Japanese cultures through traditional art performances and pop cultures event.

[caption id="attachment_308477" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Naruto, Japanese comic book action figure"]


The event took a place in Blok M South Jakarta, known as Little Tokyo due to its  many Japanese restaurants and entertainment spots there.  The event itself has been done since 2010 and has become an annual cultural event in Jakarta.


At that moment, I was impressed by Cosplay, the performing art in which the people wear costume of imaginative figures from comic books, games, or cartoon. That was first experience for me. I only had seen those kinds of costumes on television. Cosplayers were so passionate in preparing the best costume to be as identical as possible with the figure they want to imitate. Before they came on stage to do a little "fashion show for best costume competition", they had already been celebrities. Audiences were busy to take picture with them.

To be honest, I did not recognize most of figures names of Cosplay there because I personally seldom watched or read Japanese pop culture work. Even though, I did know their name, their costume and fashion accessory were still super impressive for me. Furthermore, those are some photos from the event with the caption that probably will be written later after I get the information from friends knowing more about those figures :). Arigato!!!

[caption id="attachment_308484" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="The blue Naruto"]





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