This film is based on a true story written and produced by the author of the novel, Nadzira Shafa Askar. Nadzira's background in making this film was because she wanted to remember her husband, namely the late. Amer Azzikra is the son of the famous Ustadz owner of the Az-Zikra Islamic Boarding School, Ustadz Arifin Ilham.
Why is the film called 172 days? Read the discussion.
This film tells the story of a wife who goes on because her husband left her because he was called by God. This woman's name is Nadzira, she is a very strong person, how could she not be, a person who should have felt the sweetness of the beginning of marriage in the first 5 months of marriage, she had to feel the deep pain of being separated from her husband, namely death.
The continuation of this film is Nadzira's journey as a hijrah, when she finally meets a man who is a lecturer at one of the mosques where Nadzira goes to gain religious knowledge.
After approaching her for several days, the man, called Amer, finally had a serious conversation with Nadzira's family about Amer wanting to marry her. Not long after this conversation, Nadzira and Amer were finally married.
Day after day, Nadzira spends her days with her idol, Amer, and a few days after the wedding, she is blessed with a child. They are very grateful until a problem arises and Nadzira has to give up the baby she is carrying.
After that, they lived day to day as a young couple in love. Until the day Amer got sick and had to be taken to hospital. For several days at the hospital, Nadzira, or Zira as she is known, took very good care of Amer.Â
After a few days in hospital, Amer's condition deteriorated to the point where he had to be transferred to Intensive Care ( ICU ). Zira was devastated to see her husband being taken to that room. In the end, Amer passed away on his 172nd wedding day to Zira.
I will give this film a rating of 9 out of 10 because this film is very interesting, there are many things we need to take and be grateful for in this life, including healthy food and being able to worship well.Â
The best people are those who benefit other people, who never waste our opportunities in this world with things that have no benefit, and who do things that are useful so that we can have provisions for the hereafter.
The Quote: I'm sincere, but I miss him.
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