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Ilmu Sosbud

The EU's Efforts To Tackle Migration Hit A Dead End As Refugees Become Homeless

8 September 2023   10:22 Diperbarui: 8 September 2023   11:15 129
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Migration is the movement of people across borders to a destination area with the intention of settling down. In simple terms, migration is defined as a movement activity. In other terms, migration is the movement of people with the aim of settling from one place to another that transcends political or country boundaries, administrative boundaries, or state boundaries. Furthermore, an asylum seeker is someone who calls themselves a refugee but whose request for protection has not yet been considered. Meanwhile, prevalence is the total number of disease cases that occur at a certain time. In terms of prevalence, or rate of spread, it is the number of live cases in a certain period of time.

Factors causing this issue include the failure of the EU's migration policy, the EU's indifference towards one of the refugees, namely the former Afghan military, and temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees, such as residence rights, access to the labor market, medical assistance, and social welfare assistance that Afghan refugees have never received. The impact of the inequality of facilities provided by the European Union to Ukraine and Afghanistan has caused Afghan refugees to feel disappointed and ignored because human rights are not the same for everyone. Another impact of this issue is that some men experience illness, and many of them suffer from depression.

The solution that I can take from this issue is that every refugee should be able to enjoy the rights to social welfare, such as the right to work, housing, and getting paid for the work they do, because this is a human right, strengthened by experts, one of which is that according to John Locke, human rights (HAM) are a right that is carried from birth and is inherent in every human being and cannot be contested (absolute). Besides that, according to Prof. Koentjoro Poerbo Pranoto, human rights (HAM) are a basic right.

In addition, refugees certainly get social welfare; according to Suharto, social welfare is also included as a process or planned effort carried out by individuals, social institutions, communities, and government agencies to improve the quality of life through the provision of social services and social benefits. In addition, according to Suparlan in Suud, social welfare, signifies a state of well-being in general, which includes physical, spiritual, and social conditions and not just the improvement and eradication of certain social evils, so it is a state and activity.
Migrants and refugees should indeed get adequate facilities so that other migration and refugee issues do not occur and so that they do not have an impact on their health and mentality. We as human beings should still uphold unity and not discriminate against our neighbors in terms of race, ethnicity, or culture.

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