1. What is Feminism and What it isn’t.
Feminism is belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests (Merriam Webster). Simply, feminism is about how all genders can have equal rights and also opportunities. Feminism seeks the equal treatment between female, male, and also other genders.
Why do I say men and other genders, not only women? Well, there are people who still have misconceptions about this idea. Some still consider that feminists are reverse sexist, like men oppress women. Well, actually this movement is not only creating for women, but also for men and others. Just like what I have stated earlier, this movement seeks gender equity for all genders. It is not only about women.
In addition, I was ever asked by someone about the spotlight of this movement. Why does that idea seem only for women? When we learn about history, there are many women which have been an object since then until now. Women are having more risk to become the rape victim, domestic violence victim, the tradition of honour killing, etc. Furthermore, if we see the television, internet, or statistics, most of the violence and sexual harassment victim are women. That is why this movement (seems) focusing on women.
2. The implementation of gender equity movement in daily and industry life.
In some countries, feminism has gone well. Even in some industries, they also support this movement much. For example, music platforms. It can be seen from Spotify. I opened my spotify, just now. While opening Spotify, I found a playlist which has a title “EQUAL.” This playlist contains music which is made by women. It’s not only music, but also there are podcasts which are hosted by women. When a platform which is as big as Spotify has already taken the actions involving this movement, it shows that gender equality has moved everywhere and (almost) changed the world.
Not only in music, but also in a startup company. Maybe some of you have already known about Najwa Shihab. She is one of the famous News Anchors in Indonesia. She created a startup which is called Narasi. Through Narasi, she wants to prove that women also can lead a company, not only men. All of Narasi’s directors are women, and almost all its employees are also women. Besides that, Najwa Shihab also brings a message that women should stand up for one another. Women must not be shy or afraid to talk about their ideas, as we are the same as men. We are humans who are still eating the same meals as them too. It is not easy though,but it is possible to do.
Still related to what Najwa Shihab has tried to convey to us, I also would like to tell you about my mother. She is a headmaster in Senior High School. In her career, she often faces many ‘rejection’ from men, even until now. Why does she receive that? The reason is because she is a woman. Sometimes, people are belittling her. They think that she cannot do anything and is not qualified enough to lead a school. I think that the kind of arguments are ad hominem and gender bias. However, she has proven that she is qualified enough to lead a school. Until now, she has become the only woman who leads States Senior High School InTulungagung and her performance is also the same as men.
3. How Feminism Modifies the Whole World?
Surely, it has made people happier, especially for those who experienced gender discrimination. The feminists activists have proven to the world that women’s rights are human rights. There are no differences between us, since we are living under the same roof.
Quoted from www.mic.com, there are many proofs of how is the struggle of feminist activists to make feminism modifies the world. What are they?