profesi jurnalistik sejati dengan terus menyuarakan keadilan dan kebenaran\r\nWartawan Koran Indonesia Pos\r\nTerbit terbit sejak 1968. satu satunya\r\nkoran tertua di Sulsel....
I positioned myself to be able to choose, Choose what i want to do, Choose what the best for me. Choose to be happy, Choose to be who i want to be. I respect good attitude, manner and intellectual thoughts, I love spontaneity, craziness and unexpected ideas. you could see me as a girl with deep passion in very unique character, not typical - SIMPLE, but too complicated to know in the short time
Menulis di Kompasiana untuk menyalurkan hobi & berbagi info..( Hobi lainnya adalah berenang, yoga, membaca, bersepeda, bermain (& mengajar) gitar, keyboard, biola. meditasi, dan aktifitas kreatif lainnya. Aktifitas internet saya bisa dilihat di sini\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n