Mempelajari ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi, Politik, Pendidikan dan Dialog Budaya-Antaragama di Jerman, Founder of Suara, Seelsorge und Sterbebegleitung dan Mitglied des Karmeliterordens der Provinz Indonesien | Email:
Hello, my name is Aqib, and I hold a Master's degree in Commerce. Despite my academic background, my true passion lies in the areas of geopolitics, politics, and Islamic history. I regularly write about these topics, and I would be delighted to share my insights with you. If you're interested in learning more about Islamic history and keeping up with current global events, I invite you to follow my lead.
Seorang pengamat hiruk pikuk media sosial dalam hal gaya hidup, finance, traveling, kuliner dan fashion. Tulisan saya bisa dibaca di blog