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Septiyana Razak Priyatna
Septiyana Razak Priyatna Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - An undergraduate student in International Relations, currently in their fourth semester at Singaperbangsa University Karawang.

Music and movie enthusiast, captivated by global politics and economics.



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From Guy Fawkes Conspiracy to a Global Symbol of Resistance: The Transformation of History

9 Oktober 2024   18:33 Diperbarui: 9 Oktober 2024   18:37 23
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Festivities in Windsor Castle by Paul Sandby, c.1776 

Jakarta, Rabu 09 Oktober 2024 - The Guy Fawkes mask has become a global symbol of resistance against tyranny, often seen in protests led by groups like Anonymous and the Occupy Wall Street movement. However, before becoming a modern-day icon, the mask originated from a significant historical event in 17th-century England known as the Gunpowder Plot. Guy Fawkes and his associates plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and assassinate King James I on November 5, 1605. Although the attempt failed, the event left a lasting mark on English history and is commemorated annually during Guy Fawkes Night.

Guy Fawkes, a Catholic who opposed King James I's discriminatory policies against Catholics, sought to overthrow the Protestant monarchy through violence. The plan, however, was thwarted when an anonymous letter warned a nobleman to stay away from Parliament. Fawkes was arrested while guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder beneath the building, forever cementing his place in history.

Over time, the commemoration of this failed plot evolved from a celebration of the monarchy's survival to a symbol of national unity. Yet, the story of Guy Fawkes gained a new, modern relevance with the release of the 2005 film "V for Vendetta". In the film, the character V dons the Guy Fawkes mask as he leads a rebellion against a totalitarian regime that suppresses individual freedoms. While the film takes artistic liberties, its core message of resistance against oppressive power remains potent and timely.

Through V for Vendetta, the Guy Fawkes mask has transcended its historical roots to become a symbol of modern resistance worldwide. From an attempted conspiracy hundreds of years ago to a universal emblem of defiance, this story underscores the ongoing importance of freedom, justice, and courage. In an era of increasing government surveillance and threats to civil liberties, the mask continues to inspire movements across the globe.

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