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Septiastuti Bala
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Ruang Kelas

Language Style of Elementary Kids

19 Mei 2024   12:13 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2024   14:22 204
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Interview with Mrs. Katrin, a teacher at SDN 5 Suwawa/dok. pri

By: Septiastuti Bala; Supervised by: Muziatun, S.Pd, M.App. Ling, PhD

Focusing on language style, especially in casual conversations, is a crucial aspect of sociolinguistics. Understanding these styles enhances communication clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and increases efficiency. Thus, learning about various language styles aids in developing essential communication skills for everyday interactions.                   

This study investigates the language styles of elementary school students across different contexts using in-depth interviews. By analyzing language use, the study aims to capture the nuances of children's communicative behavior. Additionally, it explores the impact of peer interactions and media exposure on language styles among elementary school children.

One key participant in this study is Mrs. Katrina Eyato, S.Pd., a teacher at SDN 5 Suwawa. With extensive experience and daily interactions with students, Mrs. Katrina provides invaluable insights into the linguistic preferences of elementary school students. Her expertise and observations will contribute significantly to understanding how children communicate. Moreover, she will benefit from the study's examination of factors like peer interactions and media exposure that affect language development in young students.

Observations of Language Style:

Children in elementary school frequently speak in more informal ways in daily interactions. As an illustration, they tend to use pronouns like "I" rather than formal ones like "me." Using the pronoun "I" could be seen by some educators as a sign of haughtiness or superiority. The environment in which these kids grow up, which includes their family, friends, and the media they consume, has a big impact on their language patterns.

Influence of Peers and Media:

Language styles of children are greatly influenced by their peers. Kids may utilize new Japanese vocabulary they have learned from playing Japanese games, for instance. The media also has a big influence on how well they develop their language, particularly websites like YouTube. Watching certain content can affect how they express themselves verbally and in writing.

Differences in Language Use:

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