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"Ngabang City" Residents Willing to Queue Long for Fuel at Gas Stations

18 Juli 2023   19:33 Diperbarui: 18 Juli 2023   19:34 73
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Ngabang, July 10 th 2023 at 11 am. Vehicle congestion has occurred at refueling stations. This has become part of the daily activities of citizens, fuel is a necessity for citizens in the modern era. This is also the case for the people of Ngabang City, who queue at fuel stations daily. Long queues in front of fuel stations have become a common sight, testing the patience of residents willing to wait for hours to get a limited fuel supply.

The gas station that is the center of attention here is the gas station located on Jl. Pulau Bendu Ngabang, Landak Regency. Since the last few weeks, the queue of vehicles has been hundreds of meters long, even creating traffic jams. Residents, both motorcyclists and car drivers were seen patiently waiting for their turn to refuel. "Waiting in long queues at gas stations is not something pleasant, but we must be able to understand each other's situations, in conditions like this patience is the main key"- Mrs. Alda, one of the motorcyclists who was queuing for fuel.

The main reason for the fuel scarcity is an increase in demand amidst a limited supply. Some of the factors affecting the scarcity include the increase in world oil and government policies that change frequently. To improve order, gas station staff are alert to maintain security and implement an orderly queuing system.

Residents of Ngabang city as well as those who queued for fuel at the gas station felt the impact directly. Many of them had to rearrange their daily schedules to take extra time in the queue. This is especially true for residents whose workplaces are quite far away, so they must be able to manage their time to avoid arriving late at work. However, even so, residents still show an extraordinary attitude, namely by showing a sense of patience and empathy for fellow motorists who are both queuing.

To this day, queuing at gas stations has become part of the daily life of residents of Ngabang City and its surroundings. Although this situation and conditions require a great deal of patience, residents have shown an extraordinary sense of cooperation in the face of such opposition. In these difficult conditions, cooperation between the government and the community is very important, so that the fuel needs of the community can be met properly.

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