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The Grasshopper and The Ant's

16 Desember 2022   15:36 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   15:54 63
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Once upon a time in the beautiful world of Dreamworld lived a grasshopper that lives next to an ant nest, the grasshopper is a creature that likes to uphold justice, whenever he goes, that's where justice arrived, so beware of the grasshopper kick.

One day after fighting evildoers, the grasshopper was very hungry he hasn't eat in many days, he never work for food because he always said, as long as evil and injustice live he will never stop fighting.

The Grasshopper tried to find any scraps of food that he can find on his house, but he never find any, because of that her stomach begans to grumble like a snoring bear, he tried to tied his stomach with a rope to ease the hunger but, but the stomach began to grumble even harder and this time it cause him pain.

He can't bear the pain, he needs to eat, he needs to feed, after brainstorming an idea, he decided to ask his neighbour the ants to give him their food, so he then goes to his neigbour home to ask for some food, "Hey there neighbour do you have some food that you can spare for me?" the grasshopper asked, the ants then replied "Of course, here you go neighbour", after getting the food the grasshopper then chow down the food the ants gave him in an instant, the grasshopper then ask for more "The food was delish, can I have some more", the ants then say "You must be very hungry here you go neighbour".

The grasshopper consumed the second food the ants give but it wasn't enough, he ask for more and the ants gave him another, the food wasn't enough for hi him, he fight for justice so long he had forgotten how delicious food taste, he can't stop he want's more.

The grasshopper ask them for more food but this time the ants reject him "I'm sorry mr neighbour, but we can't give you anymore since we already reserve it for the winter", hearing that the grasshopper goes angry and demand more "I fight for justice if you can't give me food then you're just bad as the evildoer I fight", the ants feeling irritated then replies "If justice can't feed you the you shouldn't fight for it, you should work for food instead".

Hearing that the grasshopper attacked the ants with his claw and said "Then you will die for justice that I serve", fortunately the ants manage to dodge his claw and began to counter attack him, the ants then swarm the grasshopper and bite him through it's skin.

The grasshopper scream in pain as the ant bite and reap his skin from his body, the grasshopper then apologize for his behaviour and ask them to stop, but the ants kept bit him, they bite, reap, and eat the grasshopper skin, the grasshopper scream goes low as the time goes on, when the ants finished the grasshopper is now just a bone.

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