We have prepared this moment for quite a long time. Since Javarockinland ticket box was open the earlybird, we have had no doubt to hurry buy tickets for seeing our favorite alternative Rock Band from L.A 30 Second to Mars. The decision to attend this concert together with my kids this time is actually a precious moment that I must struggling for in the middle of my schedule's overload. While we used to go the concert more in separating times, which is not because of the cost that should to pay but merely because we never come to the one band group interest in one time. 30 Second to Mars are gathered us and bring us the lovely moment together ( We guess we would do this again to see The Paramore's concert). I myself may regret it if I dont even see one of my favorite group in this Music Festival since I have to choose the day. The Cranberries is also in the list to watch. Unfortunately, I dont really able to change my trip schedule on the same date I supposed to go to attend their concert. What's a pity, but I should make a choose. Well, as long as I can see one of these phenomenal bands that suit to my schedule, will make me a little bit relax. The huge art exhibition that I m in taking responsibility with, is the thing that also important for me. Be part of the commitee in such the huge art biennale will bring me so much experience and knowledge to dealing with and face to face with the Indonesia's and International Artist around the world. So, my schedule list became : Friday Night 22 July 2011 meet with Jared Leto, and whole weekend with another famous artist in the fine art. What a life? Nothing compares.
The Great eyes of Jared Letto, The Great performance of 30 Second To Mars. That was a little late change scheduled of our leaving from DKJ - TIM, the place that I'm working for The Jakarta Biennale 2011, when my kids were coming over and going to Ancol with me by my car. That was a planned that we should leaving TIM area at 5.00 pm. But since they just made it at 7.00, I quite rather anxious to think how disaster the Jakarta's road traffic is. Especially when thousands people were coming to the one meeting point just like what we are one of them. I have my self imaginary of facing difficulties to park our car and getting in to Ancol Segarra Complex. And that what happened when we just reached Ancol at 8.30 pm and park our car so far away frm the where music festival held in. but, no problem, our spirit is still alive, and there are buses will bring us to the final destination. ( In fact, I ve just had 2 hours to sleep everyday and my stamina were not in the high level because of so much tiring but that didnt matter at all for 30 Second to Mars!!!). We know that Band will perform 1,5 hours late from the planned schedule because one of the personnel was experiencing the late schedule of his arrival as well, so there were plenty of time to wait the performing by watching around another band's performing including The Blood Red Shoes, British Alternative rock band also the local bands of Netral and Naif. And they are great too, tough! Again, a different version of late experienced by us. Was Shika, the one who eager to watch The NAIF performance that make us late to reach the front line of stage where Jared will sing his songs to us. Cant blame her, we were so hipnotized by David, The Vocalist of NAIF who is funny and fresh singing their 70's melody of songs. No wonder we also forget to leave the Doom to catch the time and find our place within almost 8000 audiences who already stand waiting for the appearance of 30 Second of Mars. We finally have our place to stand and not so far away from the catwalk stage event though we should see it in the right left side perspective way.
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