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Ilmu Sosbud

Andaliman Selling Price to Penetrate the World Market?

12 Desember 2022   22:00 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2022   22:07 133
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

  Andaliman is one of the products that can become the mainstay of Indonesian spice exports that can increase competitiveness in the international market(Timorria, lim Fathimah, 2021).  

Prices of a number of food andaliman in traditional markets tend to experience price fluctuations during January -- September 2022. The distinctive, unique taste, as well as a warm taste thanks to the aromatic compound hydroxy-alpha-sanshool in it and has many properties, has become synonymous with Bataknese cuisine as a food and beverage seasoning. Batak specialties such as arsik and saksang require andaliman as an irreplaceable spice. Andaliman has a soft but "biting" citrus aroma that causes a numb or numb feeling on the tongue, even though it is not as strong as chili or pepper(Christina, Maria. 2021). 

There is nothing wrong with andaliman being a source of livelihood for the community. For many families in the village, they depend on the plant to supplement the family economy. This Andaliman food product is accepted by the local market. Every day, there are always those who sell this food product.

With average sales per month above
Rp500,000. Its marketing is not only in
North Sumatra, but has expanded to
Kalimantan and Java. 

Mrs. Herni Saragih said that in her village the people depend on the andaliman sector, apart from other sectors such as corn,coffee, and ginger. This mother herself has been focusing on producing andaliman for eleven years. Previously, she migrated to work as a private worker.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Herni said that the harvest yields for the last 9 months have fluctuated and decreased in January and February. The average yield in January and February is 17.3 kg and in February is 12 kg. 

She also said that before Eid al-Adha prices also experienced quite high changes in Jabodetabek and several other areas such as andaliman which translucent above the price of Rp. 100,000 per kg while the average price is around Rp. 50,000.

 Therefore, she also hopes that the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture will not blame each other and coordinate with each other in order to ensure safe stocks and well-driven distribution in markets. 

She also explained that currently, andaliman is still a forest plant that has not been cultivated professionally. So that the fulfillment of world market demand is still constrained by continuous supply.

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