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Samuel Liputra
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Regional System and Social Institution in Online Government

11 Juli 2019   15:21 Diperbarui: 11 Juli 2019   15:41 10
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

So that with equal distribution of data and so on, the system can continue to develop and get continuous renewal so that between civilizations/group behavior does not have a long range with the existing system.

So that it can be monitored and has a strong foundation to be able to adjust the needs of the existing groups with larger groups, in this case, the scope is the state.

Big dreams and Implementation

Many of us always think of getting a place/situation even a country that has an ideal in everything. But if you only dream without doing and working and trying everything new, then the dream will make an item expensive to realize.

it's expensive to try something new, but it's more expensive if you never try and make it happen.- Samuel Liputra

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