In the framework of the Community Service program by students which is a mandatory program from the University of Muhammdiyah Malang, which is carried out by the Directorate of Research and Community Service of the University of Muhammdiyah Malang (DPPM UMM), we as students of International Relations of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences carry out one of our flagship programs, namely Basic United Kingdom learning by combining creativity and imagination as a form of learning innovation in the class. This Student Community Service Activity (PMM) is to apply the downstreaming of research results from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).
We as one of the groups participating in group 79 from wave 2 guided by Faris Rizal Andardi, ST., MT with 5 student members, namely Nur Hanifah, Salsabila Meutia K, Anggela Saputri Maharani, and Dinda Dwi Nurhidayah, Zakia Sabila. Our group carried out the PMM Bhaktiku Negeri United Kingdom Education program in Krenceng Village, Kepung District, Kediri Regency, East Java. The PMM activity began on July 19, 2024.
The Basic United Kingdom Education Program is designed as a form of the latest learning innovation in the classroom with a variety of learning methods. It aims to foster children's love for foreign languages with various methods to hone children's creativity and imagination during the learning process. In the aspect of creativity, We try to hone each student's motor skills with various skill activities such as scissors and pasting that match the picture. In addition, the learning method by teaching all students to paste the pictures that have been pasted in accordance with the material that has been taught encourages students' memory and develops children's creative imagination. During the Basic English Education learning activities, we always carry out various learning methods to avoid feeling bored, bored, sleepy in the classroom by providing fun entertainment but still in the educational circle. These entertainment activities include watching educational videos that are packed with entertainment that is appropriate for the age of students. In its implementation, this method is one of the right solutions to foster children's focus to avoid various kinds of disturbances in the learning process that have been mentioned above.Â
Not only entertainment watching videos, educational game activities related to learning materials are also one of the methods preferred by students. In the basic English education program at Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, we not only focus on the learning system in the classroom but also open access to all parents of students to be able to see their children's development online. Therefore, to facilitate access for parents of students from Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, we provide a platform, namely Google Drive, which contains files related to the development of each child while in the classroom. The provision of Google Drive was welcomed and joyed by all parents because they could witness and know the development of their children through the Google Drive file that we have provided. In the Google Drive File, we have provided a file and contain the name of each child to make it easier for parents to access or see directly the results of the child's development for 1 month
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