Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Imagine if you were given one billion rupiah. what would you do? surely you will be grateful right? well, I feel the same way. I will definitely be grateful if I can earn one billion on this age. Here are three things I did when I earned one billion at my current age.
   First of all, I would like to say alhamdulillah, because it is the simple from of gratitude. Everyone will say alhamdulillah when they got something that makes their heart happy.Â
   Secondly, I will pay zakat from the money I receive. By giving zakat, you can purify your wealth, making it more blessed. Zakat comes in many types, and one of them is known as "mal zakat".
   The last thing, I will use the money as best as possible. Such as using it to pay tuition fees and buy equipment that support collage activities. Plan to go on Umrah with my family.  And if I have any leftover, I will start investing it so that the money can be used wisely.
   Those are the three things I did when I received one billion rupiah at this age. Having one billion rupiah is a substantial amount of money. So, use money wisely to turn it into a blessing.Â
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