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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

A Dwarf Planet | Planet Kerdil, Pluto

16 Juli 2022   08:37 Diperbarui: 16 Juli 2022   09:26 378
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"What am I?" ask a lonely planet. He is the weakest, tiniest, coldest from all of its family members of main planets in Solar System.

"Am I only a nuisance to you, Earth?" he asked again, but no answer. Earth is just keeping her silence minding her own business like there's nothing to be worried of.

Everyone knows who Pluto is. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and their father, Sun. They lived together in a house called Solar System. Mercury knows Pluto very well despite how far they are to each other. They both are the tiniest in the family. Uranus and Pluto also have a strong bond on how cold they are compared to the other family members. Pluto also lives near a town named Kuiper belt, a town where a lot of space object lives. Those space objects are the one who always talk to Pluto, playing together, and accompany him all the time. Without fighting to each other even for once. They are a good friends.

However, Earth, the most intelligent of all nine, only know that Pluto really exists in the family of major planets in 1930. Earth was so accepting Pluto's existence. She was so happy knowing that there was another planet in the family. The same happen to Pluto, he was happy that all of his family members finally accepting him.

But, as the time goes by, Earth starts to discover that Pluto is not as strong as she thought. Earth thought Pluto is as big as Uranus. After countless times of research, in 2006 she finally know that Pluto is only almost as big as Moon.

After that, Earth started to reconsider if she really wanted to accept Pluto as her own family member. She comes out with a requirement to be a part of major planet in Solar System's Planet's family that is hurting and makes Pluto very sad.

  1. A planet in Solar System must always follow their father, Sun.
  2. A planet in Solar System must in a shape of sphere, and finally,
  3. A planet in Solar System must have no object other than its satellite around it. Including an object that has a comparable size.

A place where Pluto lives, near Kuiper belt, is not his own to choose, but Earth won't listen to him. The other planets like Venus, Mars, and Neptune also keeping their silence.

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