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RIZKY ARINA PRAMUDITA Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris

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The Truth Untold

8 Desember 2022   20:28 Diperbarui: 8 Desember 2022   20:41 242
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The Truth Untold

Today is a big day for me. Collegue life is something that I waited for. No wonder I feel so excited. "Aminah, have you get ready yet,darling ?", my mom shout from the downstairs. "I am, umma". My parents will drive me to Silver Valley Collegue, yes, my dream university. I imagine it could be nice to stay late at campus' library and doing assignment while listening to my favourite playlist. " Aminah, take care, honey. Call us if you need everything". My mom seems so worry about me, but I think im gonna be okay. I just nodded as my mom pack my things out of our car. They leave as soon as possible because my dad has another meeting to present. As they start leaving, I know my whole life has changed.

The high building in front of me look so pretentious. Black brick pattern give an old impression. Old but gold. That's the right word to define the bulding. " Hi there! You must be the new student,". I don't know how long the old woman has starring at me. I look at her name tag it is written "Ms. Polymede". An uniqe name. " Uh yes, miss.. emm Polymede," I said her name with hesitation because I do not know how to read that. " Oh honey.. just call me Ms. Poly,". I could say that she is a good woman. She has a nice voice with meek words." What is your name,sweety? ",she ask. "Aminah ma'am, Aminah Sabiyya Hamda.". She looks at me with a surprise face, of course I am confused. " What happen, ma'am?". "Nothing." She answer but I know she feel something. " I just amazed with your name, Aminah. It is such a beautifull name.". She look at me and smile,"Here.. your room is in 309, it is located in the third floor. You can go upstairs with lift,darling!". I take the keys that she give to me and leave to my room.

I knock the room but no answer, so I decided to open the door. Theres nobody here but I see 3 bed, each located in the corner, with three tables for study and 3 huge cupboard to put all the things I have packed from my home. I clean and organizing my goods that I bring in the cupboard. The window's view starightly to student's park. I see a lot of student has coming but not with my room-mate. I wonder who's gonna be my room-mate. Will they be nice to me? Or even rude? Let's see then.

I hear a step in front of my room and  a conversation between two or more people in a low voice. "Kreeeet...", as the door has opened I see a girl with a hazel eyes look at me with confused face. "Hi... Are you my room-mate?", she ask me. "Yeah Im Aminah, how about you?". She got a curl brown hair that make her look more attractive. " Im Daisy, Daisy Dentzen."."Aminah Sabiyya Hamda". Her smile looks so bright then she turn away to ask for leave to her parents. She come back with a huge baggage. I immidietly help her. "Thank you, Ina". I look at her then --"Aminah is too long for me, may I call you with Ina instead ?". I think Ina is not bad, I agree with her. " Yeah, you may call me whatever." " So, we missed another one room-mate, right?". I notice that there are three bed, but now it just two of us that had been here. " I guess so," I answer while jump into my bed. Not bad. This feels like a little hard, I feel pain in my back but that's okay. I guess this bed will soft as I sleep here.

The door suddenly opened by by a girl with a blonde hair. Me and Daisy look at each other with a look that say  "This is what we have been waiting for". Daisy walk to her," Hi, Im Daisy,". I think Daisy has a very kind personality and a little sassy for a person who just met. The new girl seem so confused and hesitate to grab Daisy's hand. " Hi im Emily, Emily Steen.". Emily Steen she said. What a cool name. She seem so shy to get along with new friend, but I don't take it serious. Everybody has their own time to adaptation.

Right away Emily close the door, the adzan of Isya in my phone make everybody in the room look so confused. " Is that your phone, Aminah?". Emily ask me. " Yes, that is a sign for me to do my prayer". I don't know either Emily and Daisy used to have muslim friend like me or not,so I ask them,"Have you ever have a muslim friend like me?". "I do, they all so kind. One time when I was in my junior high school, they help me to do my math exercise." Emily tell us how her muslim friend help her and she become smart in math. " Sorry Aminah, but I never have a muslim friend. Theres one in my class but im not close with her."." Oh you don't have to be sorry, Daisy. Guys, I want to do my prayer, could you guys stay silent for at least 5 minute please?". I ask them with worry because im scared they will bothered me while im praying. My high school friend used to hate me because im a muslim. So im scared that both of them wont accept my presence.

"Sure I want to take a power nap", Daisy look so tired today. No wonder, her home is in Charlotte while our collegue is in South Dakota, it takes 22 hours to drive. " Its okay , take your time." Emily grab her novel and lay on her bed. After I do my Isya prayer, they alrealy fall asleep. So I turn off the light and sleep. Pray to God tomorrow will be fine.

I wake up a little late, so they must be gone to class now. I make up as fast as possible. Luckily, I have packed the things that I want to bring last night so I directly grab my bag and leave my room. On the way to my bulding, I see a kid crying while sitting at the branch, of course I wanna know why. The clock show that I have at least 10 minutes before the class start. " Hey, Why are you crying? You need some help?" I ask him, but no answer. Suddenly I remember that I still got a candy in my bag. " You want this?". I give him my candy, but he refused. "My leg hurt, I fell on that play ground". He pointed to the playground right behind me. I see him bleeding. My mom said that if we have an injury, we have to wash them first to prevent the bactery infected the wound. I take my bottle and wash his wound. " Aww that's hurt! You just hurting me!". He shout really loud that make all people look at me. I see a few people whispering while loot at me with a cynical face. The boy run before I told him to wash the wound. I don't know why that boy make me so emberassed even though I just want to cure his wound, but nevermind.

When I arrive at my class, I feel a little bit surprise, because theres some people that I see when I try to help that boy. They still look at me with a cynical face. I don't really mind them. I take my sit at t he third table from the front. I try to search Emily and Daisy but I cant find them. Suddenly a lecturer walk in my class. I could not read her name tag because it was too far. " Hi everyone congratulations on your first day of collegue. I wont teach you that much now, but im gonna inform you all the rules in my class.". She seem kind of teacher that gladden but still strict to our scores. She has a sharp nose just like my mama. When she walk near me, I could see her name is Azza Alvi. I could say her name kind of Pakistaneese name. My first class is done and now I get ready to get lunch and go to my next class.

"That's the rude girl, right?", said somebody next to me. I look at them and they say, " God, she look at here. Do you think she gonna pour her water in me? Hahaha im so scared..". I have no idea why they talk to me like that. As I walk out, I just see one of their names, Catherine. I don't mind her because I feel so hungry,  I haven't eat this morning. Gladly, I find Emily and Daisy. When I come closer, they starring with their accusatory look. " Emily, we don't be friends with rude people, right?". Emily looks confused but when Daisy grab her arms, she follow her and move to the next table. Some people  look at me with an anger glance.

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