Review pembeli Dan bagaimana reaksi pasar? Lumayan bagus. Gak laris-laris amat memang, tapi rata-rata setiap buku ada pembelinya. Sejumlah pembeli bahkan memberikan semacam komentar atau review. Karena pembelinya gak mengenal siapa penulisnya maka review pembaca cukup jujur. Pada buku tentang Soup ada yang komen:
Always on the lookout for new recipes, this book did not disappoint me! My Mom used to make Tomato Bisque and I was so happy to find that one. Having vision problems, I am always looking for any recipes that have the "green leaf" veggies in them. I found a spinach soup that sounds delicious and will give me lots of the right vitamin... I thought the baked bean soup recipe sounded great, too. Highly recommended!
Sementara pada buku tentang Brad and Muffin Recipes, ada yang komen begini
I tried the New England blueberry muffins this morning and they were YUMMY! I want to try the coffee muffins this week. Am intrigued by using the cold coffee in them. My aunt used to make Popovers all the time. I have not dared to because I know they are difficult. But, I gathered some courage after reading this recipe. It only has milk, flour, egg and a pinch of salt in it. I do remember that the oven has to be really hot and you can't leave the popovers in long. One recipe said "Butter the size of an egg"! That reminded me of my Mom and her descriptions in cook books.. It took me 4 times to make baked beans that tasted like hers! All of that because of her CLUES like "About"; "Or", "Close to"!! That phrase gave me a good laugh and fond memories of my Mom.. Highly recommended!
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This is merely a compilation of vintage recipes with old measurements without giving credit to the original source. Who measures a gill of milk or a saltspoon of salt any longer? Not even an original word in this "book."
Peluang bisnis
Melihat besarnya peluang pada Kindle, menjual ebook di Kindle bisa menjadi peluang bisnis yang cukup menggiurkan. Aku saja yang baru sebatas iseng (aku bergaul dengan Kindle saat malam hari jika belum capek), kini setiap bulan rutin mendapat kiriman cek dari Amazon, baik (dolar) maupun dengan mata uang pound sterling.
Tentu, aku belum menjadi kaya raya karena menjual ebook di Kindle, hehehe. Tapi setidaknya tambahan beberapa juta rupiah setiap bulan sudah lumayan, terutama untuk kerja iseng.
Dari yang aku alami, internet memang menyediakan berjuta peluang. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah sedikit kreativitas, sedikit kecerdikan, kerja keras dan keberuntungan.
Hanya karena internetlah, aku yang gak bisa masak bisa menjual beberapa buku tentang masak memasak.
Dan, sekalipun kini aku resmi berstatus sebagai 'penulis buku masak-memasak', aku belum tertarik untuk mencoba memasak di dapur. Kayaknya aku memilih untuk menjadi tukang makan aja, hehehehehe
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