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Nanobiology and Universal Antivirus

15 Maret 2020   06:45 Diperbarui: 15 Maret 2020   06:48 848
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The world today is very frightened by the ferocity of COVID-19, and this is reasonable. Even though I have been researching since 1993, yet in the early 2000s, I realized that when the method of handling the virus is still relies on the specific vaccine manufacturing method as it is now. I am sure that when there is an outbreak, the virus will cause deaths before the anti-virus is found.

The issue is when a virus that has to be dealt with is very deadly, easily to spreads and easily to mutates, then it will creates lots of casualties. Specially if the incubation period is less than 48 hours, my calculation at that time, most likely humans will be defeated, or even become extinct.

Do humans have to be defeated and extinct by viruses? Of course not, it can't happen. Humans must be the winners. For this reason, humans must think and act differently. This is what I have been doing since the early 2000s.

Although only using a simple in vivo method, in 2012,  I felt I found the materials and methods to kill viruses (anti-virus) in cells that are universal, meaning that it could be applied to all types of viruses. In the same year, I registered the patent results of this research in Indonesia, with the title of the Invention, Metode produksi antivirus tidak langsung (translate in English: Production method of indirect anti-virus), with application number P00201200315 dated April 23, 2012.

Due to my moral considerations, I did not process this patent further. I felt so unworthy to get rich by the suffering of others (people who are sick with viruses). At that time, I also felt, when the time comes, I would share the concept of this anti-virus openly to the world community.


My expertise is not specializing in virus research however I continued studying Nanobiology since 1993, where the possibility of creating a universal antivirus is one of the benefits of this science. There are so many other benefits, including the refinement of the Big Bang theory, the theory of earth formation and the theory of evolution. Even from nanobiology, we will know that petroleum is not a fossil fuel. So next time humans will easily make petroleum.

Although 3 of them are in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language), there are at least 4 books that I written in which several chapters in it explain nanobiology, including Translating nature, with ISBN 979-97914-1-3 at 2003; Membangun Kerajaan Manusia, with ISBN 978-602-99758-0-2 at 2011 (translate in English: Development of kingdom humanity); Membuka tabir penataan alam raya, with ISBN 978-602-99758-1-9 at 2013 (translate in English: Open the veil of universe arrangement); and Adakah yang lebih baik dari Pancasila, with ISBN 978-602-99758-3-3 at 2017 (translate in English: Is there anything better than Pancasila).

I can briefly explain that nanobiology is the science of nanometer-sized living things (10-9 m). These living thing is iron atom. Why is that? Because iron atoms can multiply or breed.  So if the criteria for something to be called a living thing is the capability to multiply or breed then iron is a living thing.

If you haven't read the books above, it is very natural that you do not believe or sneer at the existence of nanobiology. But I must stated, after 27 years of studies, I believe that nanobiology will become a very important branch of science because it will be able to overcome various important problems faced by humans today, especially food, energy, and disease.


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