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Rudi Sinaba
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The Ghost Within

14 Januari 2025   20:48 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2025   06:49 48
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There's a ghost within, it keeps me still,
A constant ache, a distant thrill.
Its whispers guide me, firm and clear,
I hear its voice, it draws me near.
A part of me, yet far away,
A light that leads, but cannot stay.

There's a ghost within, it clings to me,
Through every joy and tragedy.
A distant echo of what could be,
I hear its voice, so hauntingly.
In every word, in every sigh,
It makes me question, it makes me cry.

There's a ghost within, it binds my soul,
A restless force I can't control.
It pulls me close, then lets me fall,
I hear its voice through every call.
A hidden strength, a silent plea,
It's always there, a part of me.

There's a ghost within, it knows my heart,
Each beat, each thought, each silent part.
A companion through both dark and light,
I hear its voice, day and night.
It keeps me company in the quiet,
A fleeting thought, a burning riot.

There's a ghost within, it's always near,
A constant presence, calm and clear.
It holds my hand when I am lost,
I hear its voice at any cost.
A part of me, forever bound,
In every silence, it can be found.

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