Mohon tunggu...
Ruby Astari
Ruby Astari Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"DARI RUANG BENAK NAN RIUH": Untuk menjelaskan perihal penulis yang satu ini, cukup membaca semua tulisannya di sini (dan mungkin juga di tempat lain). Banyak dan beragam, yang pastinya menjelaskan satu hal: Ruang benaknya begitu riuh oleh banyak pemikiran dan perasaan. Ada kalanya mereka tumpang-tindih dan bukan karena dia labil dan irasional. Seringkali daya pikirnya melaju lebih cepat dari tangannya yang menciptakan banyak tulisan. Penulis juga sudah lama menjadi ‘blogger yang kecanduan’. Samai-sampai jejak digital-nya ada di banyak tempat. Selain itu, penulis yang juga pengajar bahasa Inggris paruh-waktu, penerjemah lepas, dan penulis lepas untuk konten situs dapat dipesan jasanya secara khusus di Kontenesia ( Bisa sekalian beramal lagi untuk setiap transaksi (terutama selama bulan Ramadan ini) : R.



Trip Pilihan

"A Sanctuary Called Sydney"

15 Mei 2018   09:19 Diperbarui: 15 Mei 2018   09:46 457
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

Perhaps you think I'm exaggerating. I might agree with you. Still, I believe that timing is everything. When it's meant to be, then it's meant to be.

There are a lot of people to thank for this trip. They'll soon be mentioned at the end of this writing piece.

Long story short, I finally got my visa approved -- a day before my flight! Quite a pleasant shocker, eh? I told my two best friends there. They were also as shocked and excited as I was that day. (Wednesday, May 2, 2018).

Of course, everything was quite a rush after that. I had to pack, set my alarm, and prepare all for what was ahead...

Thursday, May 3, 2018:

I could hardly sleep. The moment the ordered cab stopped by the front of my parents' house, I said bye to Ma and grabbed my stuff. Time to rush to the airport.

It was 3:30 am. I checked in and waited to board the flight. Thank God for the cup of black coffee to keep me awake.

I could say that I'd spent half of this day on the plane. After an hour or so flight, I had to have a transit in Singapore. I didn't have much to time to hang around, though. I had to hurry.

While on the flight, my head was full of thoughts. I had an article idea, but that could wait. I felt thankful most of the time...

...When heartbreak took over like a dark cloud, I mentally pushed it away. No, not now, please, I thought. Never again. Not what I need.

I distracted myself with many things. Watching people around me. Flight attendants, busy catering to us, more multiracial than the country that claims to really accept the idea of "Unity in Diversity".

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Mohon tunggu...

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