Mohon tunggu...
Ruby Astari
Ruby Astari Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"DARI RUANG BENAK NAN RIUH": Untuk menjelaskan perihal penulis yang satu ini, cukup membaca semua tulisannya di sini (dan mungkin juga di tempat lain). Banyak dan beragam, yang pastinya menjelaskan satu hal: Ruang benaknya begitu riuh oleh banyak pemikiran dan perasaan. Ada kalanya mereka tumpang-tindih dan bukan karena dia labil dan irasional. Seringkali daya pikirnya melaju lebih cepat dari tangannya yang menciptakan banyak tulisan. Penulis juga sudah lama menjadi ‘blogger yang kecanduan’. Samai-sampai jejak digital-nya ada di banyak tempat. Selain itu, penulis yang juga pengajar bahasa Inggris paruh-waktu, penerjemah lepas, dan penulis lepas untuk konten situs dapat dipesan jasanya secara khusus di Kontenesia ( Bisa sekalian beramal lagi untuk setiap transaksi (terutama selama bulan Ramadan ini) : R.




"In Your Sleep (A Mother's Greatest Fears)"

20 Oktober 2017   18:52 Diperbarui: 20 Oktober 2017   19:00 503
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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

Nobody asked you to be tough, to always stand tall for everybody. I didn't know where you'd gotten the idea from.

A few months after your father's funeral, you moved out. That new job was located far away from home. You needed a rented room nearby, because the traffic was always heavy.

Like all mothers, I never wanted you to leave. If possible, I'd rather keep you close for always.

However, I knew that would make you feel unhappy. I know that doesn't mean you don't love me, despite their accusations on you. You've longed for an independent life since you were 18.

"Besides,"you told me, "this is my turn to start taking care of you, not the other way around."

I sighed. Very well, then.

Three years later, it's still the same. We've been living separately, even in the same city. You only return home once in a while, mostly on the weekends. Sometimes we meet up at some restaurant or mall and hang out all day.

I miss you. I miss our Sunday mornings together by the front porch, with our coffee and my crosswords puzzles. Sometimes you read a book or write on your notebook too.

We don't talk much anymore. I understand that you're busy. You've grown up too. Perhaps you think it's time you solved your own problems.

Be careful what you wish for. You know many rarely take that seriously until it happens.

You stayed over that weekend. As usual, you slept in your old room that night. I passed by your door when I suddenly heard you mumbling. Obviously, you were talking in your sleep, so I quietly opened the door and entered your room.

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Mohon tunggu...

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