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Ilmu Sosbud

The Uniqueness of The Traditional Batak Wedding

31 Desember 2021   14:44 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2021   14:53 411
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Includes discussion of the amount and form of sinamot (dowry) to be given by the paranak, and panjuhuti (type of livestock to be slaughtered) which is now determined by the parboru. In the past, panjuhuti cattle were provided by the paranak and were part of sinamot.

  •  The number of ulos that will be given by the parboru to the paranak (ulos herbang)

Currently in the Jabodetabek area, the number of ulos is usually limited by traditional elders so that the wedding ceremony is not too long-winded. Usually the maximum amount is 17 or 18 ulos, but it can still be negotiated amicably.

  • Place and date of martumpol and wedding

The place of the wedding party can be held at the bride's place (dialapjual) or the groom's place (jual Tahuron). If the party is held at the paranak's place, then the paranak is not required to bring sibuha-buhai (morning meal on the D day). Selling rice (boras si pear ni tondi) and dengke siuk (arsik fish/pepes) as the defaults of the relatives of the paranak will turn to the parboru as bolahan amak or host.

  • The large number of invitations from both parties

During the marhusip and patua hata, the two families sit face to face and the bride and groom are usually "hidden" first or not involved, until at the end of the event, both are called to be introduced to the whole family and given advice. Before the event is closed, ingot money is usually distributed to the family whose amount varies, depending on the person's position in the traditional order.


Marriage approval as well as proclamation or announcement through religious institutions (churches, mosques, etc.). If it is carried out in the HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestant) church, then the preaching (which is usually called tingting) is carried out at least 2 times in 2 consecutive weeks. If there are no parties who object / sue, then the marriage can be held.


After the martumpol, it is usually followed by a discussion at each party's house called martonggo raja (in the parboru family) and maria raja (in the paranak family). This discussion discussed in more detail the traditional D-day procession, especially the involvement of each member of the extended family (dongan ayaha), such as who is in charge of giving and receiving ulos, and the matters agreed upon in the previous marhusip event.

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