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David Rohans R Hutagaol
David Rohans R Hutagaol Mohon Tunggu... Akuntan - I write what i think

My name is David Rohans Rivaldo Hutagaol | An idealistic scatterbrain who loves reading, writing, listening, analyzing and travelling | A banker (someday) | A man with too many questions inside his head, who's interested in politic, music, social and economy |




It's an Irony or Just a Test of Tolerance?

21 November 2016   07:11 Diperbarui: 30 November 2016   22:57 262
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I don’t know if this is an irony or just a test of tolerance? If this is a test of tolerance, why we let someone died to make Indonesia such a better place? Why we have to see innocent people died to test our tolerance? What i think is tolerance as the trademark of Indonesian society which needs to be instilled in families and society at large. Education plays a vital role in here. The problem is (you can bold this sentence) the Government is too soft in the way it deals with intolerant groups.

I hope this article is meaningful for us to think our responsibility and the importance to implement Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) and Pancasila as our fundamental of our life. With this two cases, i just want to show you that we have to accept diversity. If it’s an irony, it’s just point of view or perception. If it’s just a test of tolerance, it’s just point of view or perception. That’s it!

I just want to close my article with what Greenday said in their song “letter bomb”. The lyric is “where will we all go when it’s too late?”. Yap, where will we all go when it’s too late? When this country is getting worse, etc, then we realize it’s too late to fix this, fix that, and etc. And we think it's too late to build this nation like Singapore, Japan, and South Korea. If i know this earlier, i want to do bla bla and bla. I hope it’s not too late for us. Let’s take care of our lovely country Indonesia !

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