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Save Our Hometown

2 Desember 2010   18:21 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:05 53
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A green hometown has great contribution to save our earth. As we knew, our earth is being threatened with the issue on global warming. Some media told that global warming had caused the earth atmosphere became less and less, several regions shocked by earthquake, polar began melting little by little, etc; for these reasons, we should realize to save our earth such as begin making our hometown green. There are many options to create a green hometown among we can grow at least one plant in a week, throw the garbage away at the right place, try to ride a bike everywhere, stop using either an air-conditioner, a refrigerator, or other things dangerous to the atmosphere of earth, and many more.

Our effort can be worthless if it isn't supported with other people, especially the regional governments. As the powerful figures, they have responsibility to conduct the society to create these positive ways in order that our hometown saved. As a good citizen, we also need to support each other to make them real. We found the various disasters have just happened recently in our country among Mentawai's tsunami, Merapi mountain eruption, massive flood in Wasior, etc. Most of them are caused by the negative effect of global warming and less awareness out of townspeople. To avoid the next sorrow disaster coming, we need to make our hometown up green right away.

Staying at a comfortable green hometown, we can breathe the fresh air as being woken up in the morning, find many trees grown through the edges of street, there's no air-pollution, garbage and flood as rainfalls.

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