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Robinson Sinurat
Robinson Sinurat Mohon Tunggu...

Robinson Sinurat works as Program Coordinator of Youth and Community Development at Global Peace Foundation Indonesia. Robinson is an active person in some organizations since he was in Junior High School and he is actively involved in some voluntary events and social activities. He was the vice Language Ambassador of South Sumatra Province in 2012. He was the representative of Sriwijaya University in some national events and the representative of Indonesia in some International events when he was an undergraduate student. He is committed to bring peace to the world. He is interest in interfaith, youth leadership, and community development. Driven by his strong will and determination, he became the founder of SAVE MUSI in Palembang, Indonesia. He is the Vice President of Youth Interfaith Community and Director of Operations of CINTA Indonesia (Community for Interfaith & Intercultural Dialogue Indonesia). He received his Bachelor of Science in Physics from Sriwijaya University, where he was awarded the Most Outstanding Student of Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences Student Award by the Dean in 2013.



Pendidikan Pilihan

Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue

11 September 2014   21:12 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   00:59 32
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“It does not matter about the identity of your religion or tribe. If you can do something good for everyone, people never ask what your religion is”.

This quote from Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid is still an inspiration for many Indonesians.

Indonesia is culturally, politically and above all religiously diverse. There are six officially recognized religions (Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism) and various ethnic groups, as well as many different languages and dialects.

However, Indonesia considers itself as one nation state despite regional challenges.

From one side, differences of faith and culture are examined and assessed as the wealth of the nation, a place where people of different religions and culture appreciate or respect each other, learn from each other, enrich each other and reinforce religious values and faith.

Existing diversity need not be contradicted, but must be viewed from a positive standpoint and serve as the nation’s wealth.

Followers of different religions and cultures should be able to live together in harmony and peace, mutual respect, mutual help and love each other.

But in the history of religious and cultural life, it often happens that differences serve as a triggers for disagreement, discord and conflict.

Such incidents are sad and make many people worry.

Brotherhood, harmony and peace will be threatened if we cannot overcome our differences.

One example is the case of Galang Press director Julius Felicianus, who was attacked at his house along with other Catholics.

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