I'm a BLUE personality. The Core Motivation that drives me through life is "Intimacy". i need connection - the sharing of rich, deep emotions that bind people together. As a BLUE,I will often sacrifice a great deal of time, effort, and/or personal convenience to develop and maintain meaningful relationships throughout my life.i seek opportunities to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated, especially by my partner. Everything i do as a BLUE has to be quality-based, or i won't do it at all. I'm incredibly loyal to friends, employers, employees, and above all to my significant other. Whatever or whomever i commit to is my sole (and soul) focus. As a BLUE, i love to serve and will give freely of myself in order to nurture the lives of others. my code of ethics is remarkably strong and me expect others (not only my partner and those closest to me, but everyone) to live honest, committed lives as well. i enjoy sharing meaningful moments in conversation with my partner as well as remembering special life events (e.g. birthdays).
An author of: Surat Cinta Saiful Malook, Seandainya Saya Istri Aa Gym (co-writer), The Chosen Prince, Nasi Goreng Untuk Obama (launch on March 2010)
Bergabung 15 Februari 2010
Label Populer
Anton Surya
Ed Santo
anak tpinang,orang jawa besar di sumatera cari makan di jakarta dan manca negara, seorang pengecut untuk memulai sebuah revolusi -\r\n
Pekerja hukum dan sosial;
Zoel Fa
uroe tet, ujeun rah..!!
Andi Gunawan
Anak Indonesia dan Tukang Cerita.
Untuk kalimat pendek, colek saya di @ndigun
Ramli AT
Lahir dan tumbuh di Bantimurung, sejauh 39 Km di timur laut pusat Kota Makassar. Sangat menikmati kehidupan di kampungnya yang berdinding deretan bukit karst terjal yang kokoh, dan berpenduduk baik hati. Memudahkan diri berbahagia melalui paduan kerja keras, bersyukur, dan menumbuhkan kegemaran baru yang positif. Meski pun merasa berbakat pas-pasan, tetapi selalu berhasrat menulis untuk berbagi.
amal spiderete
just sharing bukan jus jambu
Raden Pucuk Pinus
Hadir dimuka bumi 25 tahun yang lalu. Saat ini giat belajar tentang CSR serta menjalankan program CSR di sebuah perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia. Berusaha mendorong Corporate untuk menerapkan konsep Triple Bottom Line pada bisnisnya untuk menjaga keseimbangan Ekonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungan. Hobby menulis yang dituangkan dalam Kompasiana serta