2. Ruang Baca Dewasa 1Â (Adult Reading Room 1)
Ruang Baca Dewasa 1 (Adult Reading Room 1) is located on the second floor of DISPUSIPDA Jabar. This reading room contains a collection of books that support daily life and often includes many reference books for academic studies. Therefore, Adult Reading Room 1 is usually bustling with students from universities around the city of Bandung who are working on assignments or theses, as well as office workers completing their work.Â
The facilities available in this room include the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), which is a catalog system accessible to visitors for finding information about books. Additionally, there is free WiFi service and toilet facilities. Tables and chairs are provided for reading, discussions, or completing assignments/work. There is also a lending desk usually attended by staff for book borrowing.
The categorization of books in Adult Reading Room 1 is divided into several categories and sorted by serial numbers. The classification of the library collection in Adult Reading Room 1 & 2 generally follows the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) structure, as follows:
- 000 Karya umum (referensi kamus, ensiklopedia dll) (General works (dictionary references, encyclopedias, etc.))
- 100 Filsafat (Philosophy)
- 150 Psikologi (Psychology)
- 200 Agama (Religion)
- 297 Agama Islam (Islamic Religion)
- 300 Ilmu-ilmu sosial (Social Sciences)
- 320 Politik (Political)
- 330 Ekonomi (Economy)
- 340 Hukum (Law)Â
- 350 Ilmu Pemerintahan (Government Sciences)
- 370 Pendidikan (Education)Â
- 500 Ilmu-ilmu murni/eksakta (Pure Sciences)
- 600 Teknologi (Technology)
- 610 Kedokteran dan farmasi (Medical and Pharmacy)Â
- 650 Manajemen dan bisnis (Management and Business)Â
- 700 Seni (Art)Â
- 800 Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan (Language and Literature)Â
- 900 Geografi, biografi dan sejarah umum (Geography, Biography, and General History)
From serial number 000 to 900, they are not all placed in a single Adult Reading Room 1 but divided into two sections. Adult Reading Room 1 contains book collections from serial number 000, which includes general works, up to serial number 370, which covers the topic of Education.
3. Ruang Baca Dewasa 2 (Adult Reading Room 2)
Ruang Baca Dewasa 2 (Adult Reading Room 2) is located right next to Ruang Baca Dewasa 1 (Adult Reading Room 1) and offers similar facilities overall. Visitors to Adult Reading Room 2 also generally include students, university students, and workers. The book collection in this reading room covers the range of serial numbers 500 to 900, involving pure sciences to topics such as geography, biography, and general history.Â
Adult Reading Room 2 also offers books in the form of literary works, both from Indonesia and translated works from foreign authors into Indonesian. For those of you who love novels or other fiction works, Adult Reading Room 2 at DISPUSIPDA Jabar is an interesting destination. The collection of novels provided is very diverse, ranging from classical literature to the most recent releases. However, it's important to note that the contemporary book collection may not be extensive, depending on the latest updates. It's advisable to determine the book you want to borrow through the OPAC, which is generally accessible during library visiting hours, or you can choose and come directly to the reading room.
4. Ruang Baca Remaja (Teen Reading Room)Â