Dec 27 2014 at 05:20pm until Jan 03 2015 at 10:45pm
Jelajahi setiap lembar ‘halaman’ dunia negeri berjuluk “zamrud khatulistiwa”
Hey Journer.. I've traveled for 8 days with a small backpack... seems I wasn’t taking a trek in mountain, however I came to Malang in Dec, as that is my only long vacation time. No serious trekking, just sightseeing, beaching, watching fireworks, flower spotting, markets, and culture.
I haven’t been posting a journey often, or consistently, and for that, I apologize it hasn’t been for lack of journey-i have a ton! I’m really overwhelmed with how many I want to post , so I don’t post any. Does this happen to anyone else??? Anyway, thanks for staying with me! for now, here is the story of my trip “a journey to Malang”
DAY 1 (Sat - Dec 27 2014)
- Jakarta – Malang by Majapahit/132 (05.20pm – 09.30 à 17 hours)
- Stay on Majapahit overnight
In the morning, I read regulation to make sure that i will not get any truanting punishments :D.
In the afternoon I took a picture "things to bring"-reen’s collections.
[caption caption="rongsokan"][/caption]
After saved my things from flood treathen, i rushed went to Senen Train Station (thanks to Bu Eni who have called the motorcycle taxi driver).
05.10pm arrived at Senen Train Station, Kak Titin have been there for a minutes, but Dhani & Widi was on their walk from Senen TJ Shelter to Senen Train Station.
05.20pm Jakarta – Malang by Majapahit/132 Ekonomi 1;19D in my opinion, trains are efficient and so fast..
On train (bangku krem berbusa tipis besenderan tegak lurus: alas duduk-tidurku selama 17 jam kedepan) sleep like a log zZZZZ...forget about a green landscape Rin! was darknight outside... :D
Our train departed Malang on 05:20pm then was arrived at Malang on 09:30am as schedule, it should be arrived on 08.11am.
DAY 2 (Sun - Dec 28 2014)
- Check-in TCA (Tumpang Camp Adventure)
- Have lunch at Malang-Nasi Rawon
- Break time at TCA
- Explore Malang Traditional Market on foot
- Have dinner at Malang-Bakso Malang
- Back to TCA, Zzzzz.....
07.30am good morning sunshine, &%$$#&@&…..what?? my green handsfree is broken aazzzZZZZ…
how much I have enjoyed my greenhandsfree. I listen to my hippobiscuit hours at a time
I've tried for years to find heaphones or earbuds that I can lay on my side and sleep comfortably with. All others hurt the inside of my ears and made it impossible to sleep. Until I found my monstergreenhandsfree ... it completely revolutionized my sleep on train. I don't know what I'd do without them!
09.30am arrived Malang, met Mbah Keraton and his friends.
10.00am we went to TCA by Charter Public.T
10.30am we went to Malang Traditional Market, looked for our supplies at Sempu tomorrow (Bahan Sayur Sop, Ikan Asin, Tempe, Minyak Goreng, Gula, Beras, Saos, Kopi, Sambal, Teh, Nugget, Terigu + Mineral Water, Tissu Gulung, Roma Malkist, Kacang Bawang, Sabun Colek-buat-nyuci-diTCA). Total Rp. 118.000,-
01.30pm In TCA, we started to unpack our things and changed our clothes then had some rest for a while.
04.00pm ate mieayam Rp. 2.500 (Dhani said “akuu membayarnya dengan tersenyuum” :D ) Huahaha..
ga perlu pakai ayam dan mecin at Pasar Tumpang Malang – View on Path.
Dhani was trying to get a deal for motorcycle rent. Well, actually we got a message from a friend of mine: Calling 082230149593 for motorcycle rent
Got on AT (Arjosari-Tidar) to Tidar from Helios, stop at Pangkalan Angkot Tidar
Stay at Helios:
But...on holiday season, we couldn’t get it.
10.00pm there was some other travelers sleep in TCA. This was the first time for me to sleep in a TCA. I hope our night will be safe. Aamiin.
DAY 3 (Mon - Dec 29 2014)
- Tumpang –Sendang Biru-Tanjung Semut-Sempu Island (09.00pm – 03.00pm à 6 hours)
- Beaching, Camping at Sempu Island
♫♪ ♪♫....I've always dream of beaching at Sempu. It was even more amazing than i imagined! ....♫♪ ♪♫
Yapz, we have a trip to Sempu island at southren part of Malang
2 hours drive from Malang to Sendang Biru, 10 minutes boating to inlet of Sempu Island and then 3,7 km trekking inside the jungle with clear signs and natural views and feelings (it takes 2 hours trekking or 4 to 7 hours in rainy season.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Pulau Sempu adalah sebuah pulau kecil yang terletak di sebelah selatan Pulau Jawa secara administratif berada di Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Pulau yang ditumbuhi pepohonan tropis seluas 877 hektar ini adalah cagar alam yang di kelola oleh Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jawa Timur (BBKSDA) dan Departemen Kehutanan Indonesia. Secara resmi tempat ini diakui sebagai cagar alam sejak 1928 pada masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda.
Secara geografis, Pulau Sempu terletak di antara 112° 40′ 45″ - 112° 42′ 45″ bujur timur dan 8° 27′ 24″ - 8° 24′ 54″ lintang selatan. Pulau itu memiliki luas sekitar 877 hektare, berbatasan dengan Selat Sempu (Sendang Biru) dan dikepung Samudera Indonesia di sisi selatan, Timur dan Barat.
Hubungan antara Sendang biru, Pulau Sempu, Segara Anakan dan Pantai Barubaru:
pantai Sendang Biru terletak diantara Pulau Jawa dengan Pulau Sempu, sedangkan Pulau Sempu sendiri adalah pulau kecil dimana luasnya hanya sekitar 877 hektar yang berhadapan langsung dengan Samudra Hindia. Sedangkan Segara Anakan adalah sebuah laguna / ceruk danau yang dikelilingi oleh karang di Pulau Sempu yang pemandangannya luar biasa, begitu juga dengan pantai Barubaru. -googling
07.00am we started to pack our things and took a bath, had breakfast, then walked to Tumpang T.Market Road. It was little bit difficult to go to Sendang Biru by a public transportation, the easiest way was by rent or charter a car.
09.00am our charter public.t departed to Sendang Biru (Rp. 325.000)
11.00am we arrived at Sendang Biru (Sempu is accessed from the village of Sendang Biru, the most important fishing port on the south coast of Java) (@ Rp. 10.000 x 5 = Rp. 50.000 + 7000)
[caption caption="friendship"][/caption]
We went straight to forestry office,
new rule: every team have to guide by a guide (Rp. 100.000 / 2 = Rp. 50.000) how lucky we were, met a group, shared our cost :D
Before got on a boat, i rent a couple of rubber shoes (Rp. 10.000), meanwhile Widi & Mbah Kera wore tracking shoes, Dhani, Kak Titin wore tracking sandals.
11.58am on board- pantai Sendang Biru-Tanjung Semut by a local fisherman boat (Rp. 130.000 / 2 = Rp. 65.000) how lucky we were, met a group, shared our cost :D
12.05 arrived at Tanjung Semut, dont forget to ask fisherman’s phone number
12.10pm tracking for 2.5 KM à 1 -7 hours, depend on u’r trekking style :D menerabas hutan, menerabas lumpur, sambil ber-spa lumpur hihihi... extremely muddy, huh.. fortunately there wasn’t any leechs here.
[caption caption="greenmaker"]

03.00pm Alhamdulillah i arrived at segara anak--a lagoon inside of the island--exotic laguna, toscaaa--segaarrr.... air is so fresh and not polluted.. simply emejing! so relaxing and beautiful J
It was my first time going on a trip to Sempu island...Amazing views once i arrived at the laguna, I love it very much, Phi Phi island in Indonesia!! hidden beach..many people said Sempu is a little bit dirty, but it was not as bad as they’ve said. So I think still worth it of going there..
Here is my description about segara anak:
A beach or lake, semacam pantai yang terkurung oleh karang tembok alami sehingga ganasnya ombak pantai selatan tidak bisa mencapai pantai, airnya jernih, pasirnya putih, gradasi warna air emerald ke putih,...naaah antara danau ini dengan laut lepas, terdapat 'jendela', semburan air dari laut lepas. Dinamai ‘Segara Anakan’ karena air di laguna tersebut berasal dari celah-celah batu karang yang berbatasan langsung dengan samudra hindia, yang mana membentuk suatu kumpulan air berupa laguna di tengah-tengah pulau Sempu tersebut. (warning: awas jangan dekat-dekat sama ‘jendela’ dan gerombolan karang yang merupakan perbatasan ‘Segara Anakan’ dan samudra Hindia. Arus disana terlalu deras dan jika anda lalai, anda bisa tersedot ke dalamnya hiii...
05.00am Ahamdulillah they arrived, sorry i went first, but at least i looked for our tent area, peace...
Frangkly my reason of going first was they were trekking too slowly, wasting time to smooke & drink a cup of coffee, I’d prefer enjoy trekking, taking pictures and moving on.
05.10am time to swimming there are many cute-fishes around me.
sayangnya tidak banyak bahkan hampir tidak ada karang ataupun ikan-ikan indah disana, hanya air, ikan kecil biasa dan pasir.
06.00 Our tent is ready on the white sands.
gak nginep gak asyik, cz dimalam hari langit bertaburan bintang-bintang.. diiringi angin laut, dan di atas matras kita masak, goreng-goreng bakwan J (warning: banyak monyet-monyet suka iseng).
09.00pm zzzZZZ... not like at mt-our night under zero, in here we didn’t need any sleeping bag.
DAY 4 (Tue - Dec 30 2014)
- Beaching at Sempu Island
- Leaving Sempu Island
- Sempu Island-Tanjung Semut-Sendang Biru-Tumpang (11.00am – 15.46 à 4,5 hours)
05.00 woke up, took a pray, then we climbed the rocks surrounded the lagoon and see the great ocean, see at a sea of tents (including our tent hehe..), then I got a ‘selfie’ (not a, but some, too many) in front of the Lagoon..then we went to beach, but... at beach I feel alone and there’s no one to talk to L
Anyway, i’d like to say: good morning sunshine

- ••30|12|2014 (at Sempu Island East Java National Park)
09.00 as schedule of boat pick up, we should have gone back to the mainland, but we wasn’t satisfied yet so we decided to stay for a little more time. Wuih...pokoknya sedap nian dah bermain-main disana, berjemur, ngambang, main di tepian...ada juga yang bikin istana pasir lho...dan saat surut jam 5 pagi ada juga yang berenang ke seberang pantai karena disana ada gua kecil dan lebih banyak ikan serta sedikit karang tumbuh disana, huh..sayang saya ga bawa alat snorkling,
enjoy all the water activities!
First: how to relax? sinking & floating.. It's easy.
I can do it! Just do it (NIKE) I put my arms and legs in any position (crucifix, straight) and float on water without moving for hours.
Floating on my back without moving my hands or legs in the swimming pool. I put my hands behind my head to prove I wouldn't move my arms to stay a float..
Hmm i rememba at the first time trying floating: “I’m not relaxing” yapz, this is EXACTLY what happens to me when i try to float at the first time in my life and people keep saying i'm not relaxing...i'm completely calm and slowly sink but i'm not relaxing? umm ok.
So in Sempu Island, I letting the water hold me up on my back
Saltier water weighs more per unit of volume, so i will float higher in saltier water (the Red Sea, for instance) than i would in fresh water.
Yep, I pretended to be a balloon.
coba tiap hari bisa begini ya…ngambang, ngapung sambil nikmatin pemandangan, menghirup udara segar, dan merasakan sejuknya air…
#beaching #sempuisland #reenviant #photobydhance
- ••®v 30|12|2014 (at Sempu Island East Java National Park)
Actually i’ve never bored floating on water, but i wanted to sink...Well, I was trying...I keep floating back up! But what can I do to sink?
As people said “Don't take too deep a breath”, but whenever i try to touch the bottom of the water i float up what can i do ????????
11.00 we would have gone back to the mainland immediately. People kept coming until late at night, making the spaces to be closer to each other.
02.41pm swing at the jungle
03.02pm met them again
DAY 5 (Wed - Dec 31 2014)
- Tumpang - Selecta
- Alun-Alun Batu
04.02pm arrived at Selecta
Entrance ticket Rp. 20.000 (>two years)
05.19pm left Selecta
06.25pm arrived at Alun-Alun Batu, Maghrib, beli handsfree, it’s a must! Cz how i could enjoy trip on train without handsfree
I choosed “the monstergreen one” cz pas bingitsss dipasangin sama hippo biscuit gw >_<
Bass-nya clean..Magic-nya jadi berasa..Petikan gitar-nya jelas..intinya semua jadi PAS, BALANCE…terbaik buat kuping gw…
08.53pm at Kopi Letek
11.50pm fireworks at Kopi Letek, Alun-Alun Batu
[caption caption="alunalun batu"][/caption]
DAY 6 (Thu - Jan 01 2015)
06.56 went back to Tumpang Adventure Camp
09.39 had a breakfast, lanjut ngerujak + ngopi
05.17 at TOKO OEN A Historic Landmark Since the 1930s
ezz zrimm nya zzudah habizzz
___dazi zam ziga tazi kazanya
06.56 looked for martabak
DAY 7 (Fri - Jan 02 2015)
09.27 belanja segala macam keripik dari buah-buahan, semua dicobain hihi...
12.14 arrived at waterfall
Name: --Coban Jahe--
Root: 'Pejahe' means ‘meninggal dunia’: Mengenang perjuangan pahlawan kemerdekaan RI sekitar tahun 1947-1948
Location: 1 hour from Malang City
#waterfall #desapandansarilor #tumpang #malang
DAY 8 (Sat - Jan 03 2015)
07.54 enjoy the eazy lazy zaturday at Basecamp
Anyway, there’s a notice board:
Harap dibaca buat semua yang singgah di TCA
- harus menjaga kebersihan Camp TCA
- Anda boleh menginap di Camp TCA dan bebas menggunakan fasilitas yang ada di camp (listrik, air, dapur, dll)
- Barang bawaan harap dijaga sendiri, menghindari barang tertukar ataupun terbawa teman, kru TCA tidak bertanggung jawab bila ada barang tertukar/terbawa teman
- Bila anda berangkat dan ingin menitipkan barang silahkan hubungi kru TCA, barang anda akan disimpan dan anda akan mendapatkan nomer penitipan barang
- Untuk biaya penitipan sepeda motor Rp. 5000/ hari, kunci sepeda harap dititipkan ke Kru dan hanya pemegang kartu parkir yang boleh mengambil sepeda motor
- TCA juga menyewakan peralatan outdoor: tenda, sb, matras, nasting kitchen set, dll. Bila anda membutuhkan hubungi Kru TCA
- Ada kotak donasi, bila anda ingin mengisikannya kami persilahkan, jumlahnya terserah anda, tidak mengikat yang penting ikhlas dan pantas, untuk perawatan dan kebersihan Camp.
- Dilarang keras!!! Membawa dan menggunakan narkoba ataupun minuman keras selama anda didalam Base Camp
- Dilarang merokok dan minum kopi!!, (maksudnya dilarang merokok dan ngopi sendirian tanpa bagi-bagi, he2)
08.03 had breakfast: gado-gado
08.55 met a cute tiger
umurnya baru dua bulan, CUTE nya ga ketulungan huhu… >_<
huh, rasanya pingiin miara kucing secute ini..
#cute #cat #cutecat # #kucinghutanjawatimur #blacan #attumpangadventurecamp
- ••®vinmalang 03|01|2015
09.51 arrived at MALANG station, there’s a notice board too:
Patung Kendedes Jl. Bale Arjosari
Patung Mpu Purwa Jl. Soekarno Hatta
Candi Badut Karang Besuki
SMAK COR JESU Jl. J A Suprapto
Taman Rekreasi SENAPUTRA Jl. Belakang Rumah Sakit
Klenteng ENG AN KIONG Jl. Martadinata
Pura Dwijawarsa Lesanpuro – Buring
Pusat Oleh-oleh Khas Malang Jl. Tumenggung Suryo
Malang Town Square Jl. Veteran
Kerajinan Rotan Jl. Bale Arjosari
Kerajinan Keramik Dinoyo
Pasar Burung Jl. Splendid
10.14 got in train KA Jayabaya Malang-Surabaya Gubeng – Surabaya Ps. Turi – Pasar Senen P.P
10.45am departed from Malang to Jakarta.
12.26 arrived at Sidoarjo
01.36 train is stopped at Surabaya station for 30 minutes
DAY 9 (Sun - Jan 04 2015)
- Alhamdulillah arrived at BatoeToelisCastle
My boardinghouse fellow said: “rina gemukan” hhrrrr....getting fat cz cold days in malang L
Kak Titin, Dhani & Widi..thank you very much for the nice journey. I appreciate your help, advice and anything. It’s nice to have a journey with you guys, cz we don't follow the travel agent...we like to dive into experiences with our own plans and simply follow our hearts-and our stomaches, hehe... My memories of every place I've been to is often enmeshed with beautiful scenery I’ve seen, with the food I've eaten there.
My only regret on this journey was I never get to capture the scenes at headstand and the fact that our friendship ‘...’ i’m sorry, I know it was my fault.
The floating activity at Lagoon, the view from Lagoon at night was spectacular. That are two of the great reasons to go back.
What I Love About Malang?
- Air is so fresh and not polluted.
- Less number of people who smokes on the street, not at TCA .
- Many cheap traditional foods on the street, yet there’s another problem with public transportation: its cost so expensive .
- Safe to go home at night.
- Locals are helpful.
Well, that’s all...happy travelling readers!
"things to bring",
1 mukena
2 pashmina
3 kerudung 2
4 slayer etnik hijau buat renang
5 two t-shirts (small & big)
6 two quick dry clothes
7 jas ujan
8 jacket
9 kain pantai
10 celana aladin
11 celana jeans
12 celana renang
13 a few pairs of underwear
14 ransel
15 tas selempang kecil
16 tas charger + tas camdig
17 toiletries bag
18 pulpen
19 kertas beberapa lembar
20 ticket
21 sunglasses + kotak
22 sandals (flip-flops)
23 sun cream
24 toilet articles
25 minyak kayu putih, minyak tawon, hansaplast, acne lotion
26 handyclean + powder + eyeliner + eyebrow pencil
27 powerbank + cable
28 kaos kaki + sarung tangan
29 jam tangan, bracellets
30 camera + charger
31 handphone + charger + handsfree
32 senter + batere cadangan
33 botol minum
34 bandana 3
35 handuk kecil
36 travel tissue packs (1packs) + wet wipes: buat tangan (1packs), buat muka (1packs), buat toilet (1packs)
37 DK Garlic Nut + Delfi ChaCha + Sukro + Garuda Kcg buat dikereta
38 mung bean + bearbrand
39 jarum pentul + bantalannya
40 wallet
41 hat
42 ktp + copy ktp + rupiah secukupnya
Individual Budgeting Backpacking at Malang 27 Dec 2014 – 4 Jan 2015
Rp 400.000 Tiket
Rp 365.000 Tiket
Rp 48.050 Bekal
Rp1.517.000 pegangan uang Rupiah
Total Debet Rp 2.330.050
Thursday 30-Oct-14
400000 Transfer ke Rahmadhani-Tiket KA Senen Malang (TRIP BATU)
Friday 5-Dec-14
365000 Transfer ke Rahmadhani-Tiket KA Malang-Jkt (TRIP BATU)
Thursday 25-Dec-14
6300 Mung Bean (2)
13500 Bear Brand (2)
7450 DK Garlic Nut
7000 Delfi ChaCha
7000 Sukro
6800 Garuda Kcg
Total Rp. 48.050
Saturday 27-Dec-14
30000 Ojek Castle-Stas. Senen
Total Rp. 298.400
Sunday 28-Dec-14
200000 Patungan -I
31400 Face Wipes + L.Slim + L.P
13000 Lunch-Rawon Pasar Tumpang
5000 Bakso Malang
2500 Mie Ayam, bayarnya sambil tersenyum said Dhani
500 gorengan
46000 Tosca buat berderap trekking lumpur pulau Sempu
Monday 29-Dec-14
10000 Sewa Sepatu Trekking Lumpur
Total Rp. 10.000
Tuesday 30-Dec-14
200000 Patungan -II
11000 Lunch at TPI Sendang Biru
2000 Take a bath at Public Shower-Sendang Biru
3000 Aqua
Total Rp. 216.000
Wednesday 31-Dec-14
15000 Breakfast
3000 Es Campur
10000 Ketan at Batu
10000 Kacang Kedelai at Batu
20000 Headset
10000 Nasgor Tahun Baru jam 2 pagi :D
Total Rp. 68.000
Thursday 1-Jan-15
20000 yang jalan kaki di jam 3 pagi
2000 toilet
2000 fried sweet potato
6600 lost
269000 Burakan Lulusan at Toko OEN-Malang (Fuyung Hay + Es Puding (2) + Es Alpukat + Jus Apel + As Paragus Soup + Nasi Goreng Putih Hongkong + Nasi Goreng Special
115000 T-Shirt, Tali prusik 3m, Gantungan Kunci
100000 Patungan -III
14000 Sarung HP Batik
36000 Sapu Tangan Batik
100000 Sendok Serba Guna (2)
4000 Prusik 1m
13000 Lunch
2000 Toilet
Total Rp. 683.600
Friday 2-Jan-15
2000 Ubi (3)
3000 Jajan
2500 Mie-Ayam-bayar-pakai-senyum J
500 Krupuk
42000 Kripik Mangga + Rambutan + Nangka dan Apel (6)
5000 Cambuk
2000 Patungan Kembang Gula
2800 Aqua
Total Rp. 59.800
Saturday 3-Jan-15
75000 Patungan-IV
6000 Gado-Gado Enak
10000 Dompet Anyam (2)
10000 NasPad (bungkus buat makan di Kereta)
Total Rp. 101.000
Sunday 4-Jan-15
10000 PT2 Taxi dari Stas. JatiNegara-Kostan Dhani
13000 NasPad Ikan
2500 CL Cawang-Sawah Besar
Total Rp. 25.500
Total Pengeluaran Rp 2.305.350
Saldo Rp.24.700
Team Budgeting Backpacking at Malang 27 Dec 2014 – 4 Jan 2015
Rp 200.000 x 4 Rp. 800.000 Patungan I
Rp 200.000 x 4 Rp. 800.000 Patungan II
Rp 100.000 x 4 Rp. 400.000 Patungan III
Rp 75.000 x 4 Rp. 300.000 Patungan IV
Total Debet Rp 2.300.000 (@Rp. 575.000)
Total Rp- Saldo Rp2.300.000
Sunday 28-Dec-14
25000 patungan ongkos stasiun Malang-Tumpang Adventure Camp
6000 Bahan Sayur Sop
4000 Ikan Asin
4000 Tempe (2)
6000 Minyak Goreng
2500 Gula
9000 Beras
4500 Saos
4500 Kopi
2000 Sambal
1000 Teh
16000 Nugget
3000 Tepung Terigu
17500 Mineral Water (5)
6400 Tissu
12400 Roma Malkist (2)
17300 Kacang Bawang Oven (2)
1900 Sabun Colek Ekonomi
Total Rp143.000 Saldo Rp2.157.000
Monday 29-Dec-14
325000 Sewa Angkot Tumpang-Sendang Biru
10000 Gorengan
57000 Tiket Masuk Sendang Biru
115000 Patungan sama team lain: Perahu + Guide
Total Rp507.000 Saldo Rp1.650.000
Tuesday 30-Dec-14
50000 Sewa Perahu Tanjung Semut-Sendang Biru
15000 C
325000 Sewa Angkot Sendang Biru-Tumpang
Total Rp390.000 Saldo Rp1.260.000
Wednesday 31-Dec-14
10000 Gorengan
50000 Tumpang Arjosari berlima
20000 Arjosari-Karangploso berlima
27500 Karangploso-Bumi Aji berlima
30000 Bumi Aji-Selecta berlima
76000 Bakso + Teh + Kopi at Selecta berlima
100000 Tiket Masuk Selecta berlima
46000 Selecta-Alun-Alun Batu berlima + ketan,kopi,gorengan
Total Rp359.500 Saldo Rp900.500
Thursday 1-Jan-15
70000 Kopi Letek
27500 Batu-Karangploso berlima
20000 Karangploso-Arjosari berlima
35000 Arjosari-Tumpang berlima
24000 Tumpang-Belimbing berempat
16000 Belimbing-Alun-Alun Malang berempat
35000 Martabak
48000 Alun-alun Malang-Belimbing + Belimbing-Tumpang berempat
Total Rp275.500 Saldo Rp625.000
Friday 2-Jan-15
Total Rp- Saldo Rp625.000
Saturday 3-Jan-15
200000 Carter Pickup Tumpang- Coban Jahe (PP)
125000 Kotak TCA
100000 Carter Angkot
200000 Buat M
Total Rp625.000 Saldo: Rp-
Total Pengeluaran Kelompok Rp 2.300.000
- ••®v 09|06|2015 8pm
free yourself!!
we choose what to do..
we took the pictures...and..
we enjoy the holiday!!!
♫♪♪♫ I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start ♫♪♪♫
...♫♪ ♪♫ So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older ♫♪ ♪♫
♫♪ ♪♫....All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
♫♪ ♪♫
Hope I get the chance to travel the world
But I don't have any plans
♫♪♪♫ lifeisbeautiful ♫♪ ♪♫
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