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Rilla Rahma Mulyani
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Children of Minang

11 Juni 2024   15:29 Diperbarui: 11 Juni 2024   15:50 97
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Children of Minang

By Rilla Rahma Mulyani

We are the children of Minang, from a land full of stories,
Where mountains tower, and rivers flow beautifully,
Our nature is a magnificent painting of God,
Yet often tested by disasters that stir.

From the heights of the mountains to the depths of the streams,
Our land whispers tales in the morning's gleams,
Each day brings beauty, each night holds peace,
Though trials may come, our strength won't cease.

Through quakes that rumble and floods that sweep,
We stand together, our resolve runs deep,
In the face of nature's might, we find our grace,
With hearts united, we embrace our place.

For in this land where stories are born,
We find our spirit, our hearts adorned,
With love and perseverance, we proudly say,
We are the children of Minang, come what may.

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