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Riani DianPratiwi
Riani DianPratiwi Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Mahasiswa Sastra




Cerpen: Loud

4 Januari 2022   07:27 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2022   07:28 211
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It was a fine morning in a city in Florida. The cold wasn't that bad in November. A boy woke up from his sleep, his golden-short hair looked messy. 

"Aether, are you awake already?" his mother's voice could be heard from his room. He replied in a short yes, loud enough to be heard by his mother. It was just like any other morning, he woke up at the same time. It really was just like any other morning. He woke up to the same voice every day. Everything seems like any other day. 

"is a sandwich enough?" I nodded while checking my phone, there's a message from Ajax, a classmate of mine. He's asking about homework in history class. There are only the two of us in this house. It was a very normal morning, I ate my breakfast while my mom's getting ready for work. She was a busy woman, being a mother and also a father for me. I didn't feel lonely being only with her. Well, a father was something unfamiliar for me, I never knew his face because he left just before I was born, and my mother never bother to tell me about him. My life as a senior in high school was also pretty much normal, I have friends, my grades weren't that bad, I knew because my mother never lectured me about school. 

It's already 8:45 AM when I finished my breakfast. "I might be late today, there is food in the fridge or do you want to order something..?" my mom said as she got her bag in her room, checking herself once again before. My eyes kept following her until I realized she patted my head. "I'm going first, ok?" she kissed my cheek and went to the door. And she disappeared from my sight. I didn't know but it felt like the kitchen went colder when she went out of the house. PING! I looked at my phone and saw another message from Ajax. 

Ajax: You're not in school yet? im not done with my history homework

You: onw  

Fortunately, my school wasn't that far, only 10 minutes by bus. I grabbed my bag and went out of the building. The ground was almost covered up by snow, but I could see someone cleaning up the snow that was covering the road. 


I could see my school gate, checking the time and it's already almost 9. Duk! I felt someone bump into my shoulder, I looked up in surprise and realized it was Anthon, one of my classmates. Without care he kept walking inside the school, wearing a navy blue hoodie that covered his head. Today must felt too cold for him. He's always been liked that. I barely ever talked to him since we've been classmates, and it's not only me. He has never seen hanging out with others in the school. 


"Aether! you're late!" Ajax said as he saw me walking inside the class. 

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