Irenius Raya Gara Ama, Siti Muhimatul K., S.T., M.T.
Prodi Arsitektur
Universitas 17 Agusutus 1945 Surabaya
In Babatan sub-district, especially RT03/RW02, Wiyung District is an area located in Surabaya, East Java. One of the environmental problems is environmental pollution originating from waste caused by low public awareness of the importance of environmental management. Garbage is one of the environmental problems that requires serious handling. Along with the increasing number of residents in an area, it also results in an increase in the volume of waste.Â
For this reason, a joint commitment in waste management is needed so that it does not cause various environmental problems. Moreover, various forms of damage that occur to the environment itself, for example air pollution, the environment looks arid etc.Â
Over time, this will have a negative impact on the environment, especially for public health for the environment itself. For this reason, in this Community Service Program, I will participate with the RT and the community to create a park, which is expected to be used by the community in the future as a green open space.
Keywords: Trash cans, greenery
Pada kelurahan Babatan khususnya RT03/RW02,Kecamatan Wiyung adalah sebuah daerah yang berada di Surabaya Jawa Timur, Salah satu faktor permasalahan lingkungan adalah pencemaran lingkungan yang bersumber dari sampah yang diakibatkan oleh rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pentingnya pengelolaan lingkungan.Â