To comprehensively discuss the question "is Pancasila still relevant as the ideology of the state and nation today?" First of all, we must understand from various references the definition of ideology and Pancasila. We must know and understand precisely the definitions of ideology and Pancasila from various points of view so that we can conclude concretely the definitions of Pancasila and ideology which in the end we can answer the question "is Pancasila still relevant as a state ideology?"
In essence, humans are living beings, social beings, and political beings who always think to solve and overcome the problems that surround them. This complex human mind presents an idea to solve the problem. These ideas are also applied by humans in the context of political society, where these ideas are used to create a coveted society, procedures for forming the coveted society, and describe the problems faced by society and that is what is called ideology.
Etymologically Ideology means the science of ideas which was first coined by the French philosopher Anthony Destutt De Tracy in 1796. In terminology, ideology means a comprehensive and mutually consistent set of ideas so that a social group can understand the world (Charles Jones, 2003).Â
According to political experts as written by Heywood (2013: 28) in his book politics, Ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power relationships.Â
All ideologies, therefore (1) offer an account of the existing order, usually in the form of a 'worldview', (2) provide a model of the desired future, a vision of the Good Society, and (3) outline how political change can and should be brought about. Meanwhile, Peter Joyce (2003: 40) in his book Politics defines ideology as a particular providing a vision of the society which they wish to create.Â
According to Anthony Dawns, ideology is a verbal image of a good society, while according to the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes, ideology is defined as all ways to protect the power of government to survive. From the various understandings that have been put forward by the experts, we can conclude that ideology is a collection of ideas, ideas, values, and beliefs about the society that are systematic and comprehensive and involves human behaviour in various fields of lifeÂ
. Pancasila is etymologically or linguistically derived. The word from Sanskrit is panca which means 5 and sila which means principle, basis, and principle, which can be concluded grammatically that Pancasila means 5 basis. According to Rahayu (2018: 30), Pancasila is a view of life that must be used as a guide in carrying out movements in life, while according to Winarno (2017: 5-6), Pancasila is the main foundation of national character education.Â
As a basis, Pancasila is a reference, and at the same time a goal in the development of the nation's character. From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that Pancasila are 5 principles that serve as the basis of the state, the main foundation in living life and become the main basis in the view of life and the legal view of the Indonesian nation.
After understanding the definition of ideology and Pancasila, the question that will arise is "why has Pancasila become the ideology of our country?" We must answer this question with critical thinking based on philosophy about the principles of existence, truth, and values contained in the Pancasila.Â
Based on the ontological approach, Pancasila has intrinsic and extrinsic properties. intrinsic properties that are philosophical, systematic and rational to conceptualize the reality of humans, countries, nations. It is extrinsic because it is used as a way of life. After all, in it there are values and teachings of life from various aspects that are considered true and believed by the Indonesian people.
The basic and ideological basis of a nation must be explored in the culture and civilization of the nation itself. Before being established as the ideology and basis of the Indonesian state, its values already existed in the customs and culture of the Indonesian people, for example the attitude of tolerance between Hindus and Buddhists during the Majapahit kingdom who lived side by side which illustrates the values of Pancasila.