In a show of solidarity and resistance, residents of Yogyakarta, also known as Jogja, have taken to the streets to demand the preservation of their city's cultural heritage. The rallying cry of their protest? " Jogja is not for sale, Jogja belongs together."
Yogyakarta is a special city because of it's culture. The rapid growth of the tourism industry, the natures of jogja are squeezed in the middle of luxury hotels. Jogja has become a home for contemporary traditional arts and culture that shape the way of thingking of it's people.
The people of Jogja have long prided themselves on their city's rich history, vibrant arts scene, and close-knit community. However, in recent years, there has been growing concern that the city's unique character is being eroded by unchecked development and commercialization.
Many locals fear that their beloved city is being sold off to the highest bidder, with historical sites and traditional neighborhoods being demolished to make way for hotels, shopping malls, and luxury apartments.
In response to these threats, a coalition of activists, artists, and concerned citizens has organized a series of protests and demonstrations across the city. Their message is clear: Jogja is not for sale.
"We don't want to be fooled while our city's heritage is destroyed." said one protester. "We demand that our voices be heard and our rights be respected. Jogja belongs to the people, not to the developers."
The protests have drawn attention from both local and national media, with many calling for a more balanced approach to development that takes into account the needs and desires of the local community.
As the campaign to "Bring back Jogja" gains momentum, it remains to be seen whether the authorities will listen to the people's demands and take action to preserve the city's cultural heritage. But for now, the residents of Jogja are standing strong, united in their determination to protect their city and their way of life.
Jogja original resident demand the beauty of Jogja back, which used to be very beautiful, now it is very questionable about the special beauty of Jogja.
One of these rights is the UMR Jogja which is said to be low. The number of UMR DIY is in the second lowest place after Central Java.