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MSS FEB UI Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Management Student Society

Management Student Society is a student organization that focuses on the human development of Management students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.



Ilmu Sosbud

Degree of Freedom: Career Paths Beyond Academic Boundaries

26 Juni 2024   17:57 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2024   19:51 260
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In today's rapidly changing job market, the correlation between academic majors and career paths is highly debated. This research aims at finding out whether FEB UI Management graduates end up working in jobs related to their chosen concentrations. In pursuit of finding the answer, The Research and Development division at MSS FEB UI conducted a survey on FEB UI Management graduates and discovered interesting insights that may challenge the conventional view on career paths.

"I studied finance for years, but now I'm in marketing. How did that happen?"

Sounds familiar? Many graduates face this reality. According to Indonesia's Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, 80% of Indonesian college graduates end up working in fields unrelated to their majors. This research tests the hypothesis that FEB UI Management graduates' careers aren't related to the concentration they took in college. 

When life gives you lemons... Study Management.

With life getting more complicated each day, it is crucial to learn about management basics, whether we're organizing our own schedules, managing relationships, leading teams, or collaborating with coworkers. Building relevant skills is also crucial for career readiness. This foundation is particularly important for graduates navigating diverse career paths, which is the main theme of our study on FEB UI Management graduates.

The Management major at FEB UI offers four different areas of specialization: 

  1. Financial Management: This includes financial analysis, cash flow management, investment strategies, budgeting, and capital markets.

  2. Marketing Management: This includes market research, advertising, brand planning, sales, distribution, and marketing consultancy.

  3. Human Resource Management: This includes recruitment and selection, training and development, career advancement, labor relations, and human resource consultancy.

  4. HALAMAN :
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