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Rena Widyawinata
Rena Widyawinata Mohon Tunggu... Health Tech SEO Editor | Novel Editor & Proofreader

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Treat People Like They Want to be Treated

30 Agustus 2019   17:42 Diperbarui: 30 Agustus 2019   17:45 16
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How often we heard about, treat people like you want to be treated? A lot.
Yeah, we heard that (and doing so) because we want others treat us like we treat them.

Who wants received bad treatment? No one. So, in order to not get any bad treat, then we don't do something bad.

And this is how you think:
If we good to them, we expect them to do the same.
If we help them, we expect, someday, they will also help us in return.
Or, they should be good to us too.

We don't want to be treated badly, so we follow that quotes. Don't do something bad to people, then people won't do something bad. What causes? Cause we do treat them like we wanna be treated.

There's no reason for them to treat us bad.

But, think again.
Why is it always "me" or "us"?
Why is it "I" and "we"?

Once I read a very good book.
Forgot the title but I always remember what the author said:

Treat someone like THEY want to be treated.

There's no further statement.
No phrase like, "So, they will treat us nicely."

It's only about them.

It's true by the way.
A quarter century of life, I know that is true.
Why we must treat people like WE want to be treated?
Do they have the same interests with us?
Do they have the same character with us?
Do they have the same background with us?
Do they have the same meaning of happiness with us?

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