Motto: As long as you are still alive, you can change and grow. You can do anything you want to do, be anything you want to be.
Cheers... ***
*) Menyukai permainan catur dan gaple. Menulis adalah 'nafas' seorang penulis sejati. I can breath because I always write something...
Pemikir, Budget Analyst, Esais dan Calon Penulis, Pendidik, cukup mahir dlm beberapa cabang olahraga: Tenis, Catur, Pingpong, Renang dan Diving. Slalu syukuri nikmat yg diberikan Oleh-Nya...salah satu prinsip yg terpenting.
Activist, Journalist, Professional Life Coach, Personal and Business Coach, Author, Counselor, Dai Motivator, Hypnotherapist, Neo NLP Trainer, Human Capital Consultant & Practitioner, Lecturer and Researcher of Islamic Economics