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Rara TiaraLestari
Rara TiaraLestari Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

I am an International Relations student at Singaperbangsa Karawang University. I have a hobby of playing music and interested in economics



Ilmu Sosbud

International Opinion on Joko Widodo's Digital Communication as President

22 Desember 2022   10:51 Diperbarui: 26 Desember 2022   09:07 306
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In  the  current  era where the era has become much more modern with the use of increasingly advanced technology, communication is definitely experiencing a revolution where previously communication could only be done face to face, now communication can be done digitally. Communication that is done digitally can be done by anyone regardless of age, ethnicity, position, gender, belief, even the background that person has. Digital communication is carried out by humans because it has a much higher practical value on a very wide scale compared to previous communications.

Digital communication means international communication can be done more practically. International communication, in this case, can of course be done digitally, such as using social media. It cannot be denied that every part of society certainly has their own social media, even a state official up to the president must have their own social media. This digital communication will certainly have an influence on its readers through narratives or photos that are shared through the media. On this matter, an opinion will be formed that belongs to the reader which will later be closely related to both national and international communications because this digital communication has no restrictions on accessing it.

International communication in the current modern era is also carried out by the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo through his social media such as Instagram with the username @Jokowi. This communication can be a key or a factor in carrying out the socio-political life of various countries. The communication carried out by Joko Widodo can be a means for someone, both Indonesian and foreign, to be able to assess the characteristics of the current head of state or president of Indonesia.

Problem Statement

Based on the background of this paper, the formulation of the problem in this paper includes:

  1. How is Joko Widodo communicating through his social media, especially on the Instagram platform?

  2. What is the international view of Joko Widodo's communications?

Research Objectives

  1. Know the communication made by Joko Widodo through his social media, especially on the Instagram platform

  2. Know the international view of the communication made by Joko Widodo


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