Good day reader,
Any one of you surely ever heard about hoopoes (Hud-Hud Bird), right ? In the qur'an, hoopoes is mentioned as the provider of news / information about a ruler from the land of Saba named Ratu Balqis to Prophet Sulaiman As.
But anyone know what are hoopoes look like?
Hoopoes  (Hud-Hud) are beautiful and unique bird that mostly of them populated in middle east, Eurasia and partial of African Continent. They can live in various habitat like the grassland, forest, savannah and desert land. Hoopoes are known for its crown of feather in its head. Hoopoes' lifespan are about 10 years in the wild. Hoopoes are type of bird with a long beak, in with it they are able to reach insect hidden in the ground or inside the wood. Their wingspan are up to 44 - 48 cm and round-shape alike when it fly in the air. Hoopoes are omnivore categorized. Daily they commonly eat insects like cricket, larvae, grasshopper etc. Sometimes they also eat various reptilians like a lizard or small snake. They also eat variety of herbs like fruits and seeds. Their beak also help them feeding their chicks in the nest. And so many uniqueness of this birds that might of you don't know.
Here are the a few of unique fact about hoopoes:
1. Hoopoes are protected
  One of the main reason why, because they are forbidden to kill. In several countries, hoopoes are protected under the law over illegal hunting.
2. Hoopoes' name derived as its sound
   "Hoo-Hoo-Hoo" the sound is like the first syllable of its name.
3. Hoopoes and woodpecker are different