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Open Letter Addressed to President Joko Widodo Regarding The Execution of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan

14 Februari 2015   07:10 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   11:12 244
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Dear Pak Joko Widodo,

I am an Indonesian, and I decided to write this letter in the lead-up of the second wave of execution of prisoners whose were given death sentences. I'm not a law expert and I'm going to say from my point of view as a human. I deliberately write in English so that everyone can read this. (I’m most certain that this will solicit many criticisms from the supporters of death penalty, but I ask that all criticisms and opinion should lead to something constructive instead of plain insults)

Pak Jokowi, I voted for you in the presidential election and even went to a great length to defend you from all kinds of black campaign in the Facebook and Twitter. I know you are not obliged to fulfil the endless list of my wishes for our country and I wasn’t asking for anything in return. However I’m expressing my disappointment on how you have been structuring your priorities and making your decisions so far. People did get your message that you wish to stand firm in waging a war against drugs, but then you seem too soft in all other things. I can see that you’re also too hasty in handing down the decision that effectively terminate some lives, as if it were the easiest thing you could have done. But then, you’ve been slow in trying to resolve the conflict between Polri (national police) and KPK (anti-corruption commission). You’re also slow in convincing the public regarding your policies and in the war against corruptions.

It just shocked me that you gave a green light just like how easily a baby flips his hand. Your decision to hastily order the executions of Myuran Sukumaran (MC) and Andrew Chan (AC) demonstrated something that was thoughtless. There should always be exception in this world. For example, it will be wrong for the terrorists to kill the innocent citizens for the mistake committed by their government. During Nazi era, Oscar Schindler, who was part of Nazi, showed the world that there were some good men in the midst of atrocity. I will elaborate several arguments why I am not proud with your decision to reject the clemencies requested by MS and AC.

1. The Bali Nine were actually apprehended following a tip from the Australian Federal Police (AFP)

The Bali Nine were trying to smuggle the heroine from Indonesia to Australia. Had it not been the tip from AFP, the Bali Nine would likely not have been in the Indonesian prison by now. We’re being too arrogant if we don’t return the favour back to the AFP by at least sparing the lives of MS and AC. I must be fair to say that Australia is not asking too much from us. MS and AC are not going to leave prison anyway should you decide to spare their lives.

2. MS and AC have changed and made the difference as far as everyone could witness

I know what most people would say about whether they’ve genuinely changed, but that suspicion is actually irrelevant. We heard these stories over and over again, but we need to seriously take a minute and consider a few things. MS and AC did what many Indonesians couldn’t do themselves which was to help people other than themselves.

The moratorium of execution has given the duo a chance to make many convicts within the Kerobokan prison better persons. The world has seen these. Unlike a few convicts who decided to bribe the prison staffs and continued the drugs-smuggling operation from the prison cell, MS and AC did all good things. Indonesia is not going to get any greater benefit by taking their lives. If you don’t believe in second chance, I am not going to argue about it (although you’ll likely need it when you run for the second term) but you sir need to ask yourself a question: Whose fault was it that these duo and a few other convicts were, either unintentionally or intentionally, given a chance to prove that they can rehabilitate themselves? Are we treating humans like cattle which are raised only to be slaughtered? If their death sentences are commuted, they’ll spend the rest of their lives in the prison anyway.

3. Inconsistencies between current and previous governments

Related to the above second point, the previous government led by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) have postponed the executions and pardoned many convicts who were initially sentenced to death. One example was the Indonesian Rani Andriani who was shot dead last month. You rejected her clemency, but SBY pardoned the other two conspirators who apparently had greater role in the crime. It would sound awkward if I tell my children that you’re elected to your current position only to be Angel of Death.

The previous government also has halted many executions, and therefore, as I previously mentioned a small number of prisoners did actually get a chance turn their lives around. It will be reckless and scandalous if you’re not careful in giving a green light for the death penalty. Maybe this time, it will be wiser to spare some exceptional people from the looming executions just because we need to give them justice they deserve.

4.Indonesia must show mercy if we need mercy as well

It’s been revealed that many Indonesians are in grave danger of being executed in overseas for a number of crimes, particularly in relation drugs abuse and smuggling. I’m really not sure how you can stay true to yourself when you beg for others’ forgiveness while you alone do not give any single forgiveness. Honestly, I will be ashamed to be of that hypocrisy.

5. To win the war against drugs, the key battlegrounds need to be correctly identified and strategically won

The hasty executions give one clear signal to the world, which reveals Indonesia’s incompetence in fighting the drugs problem. I have read several “google-able” news in which prison staffs were apprehended for taking bribes and helping some prisoners to run the drugs-smuggling operation from the inside of jail. Several policemen were also allegedly involved in selling the drugs or even keeping a blind eye on the drugs-smuggling kingpin. There was also a fresh allegation regarding a political intervention when the death sentence was handed by judges of the Denpasar court onto MS and AC. Your real war is against the corruption which has significantly impaired our law-enforcement authorities and government officials in various levels. Corrupt officials and politicians must be removed from the positions of power.

If you’re not fixing the nationwide issues related to poverty and lack of education, many younger people will turn to drugs. Drugs smugglers are everywhere, Pak Jokowi! The most effective fight is to keep people away from the drugs by educating them and giving them chance to do something positive in life. Almost all of most prosperous countries in the world, in which corruption case was almost unheard of, never hand down the death sentence in the drugs-related crime, and yet, their citizens are not dying from any drugs-related abuse.

Pak Jokowi, you need to show to Indonesians and the world that you’re serious in fighting the corruption. You need to identify the bigger (yet sometimes hidden) social problems that make drugs so attractive. Only by doing these, the drugs problem in Indonesia can significantly be reduced.

6.Illogical claim for “Deterrent Effects”

As long as we have not won the most important warfront against corruption and corrupt officials, the death penalty will never give deterrent effect. The drugs-smugglers who know that they cannot do good things will find ways to keep themselves immune, knowing that many corrupt officials are still around. As I said and I repeat: The drugs-smugglers are everywhere in the world!

Pak Jokowi, I am not trying to disrespect the law of my country but I am respectfully pleading to you to be considerate in giving proportionated clemencies. It’s important to assess the clemencies on case-by-case basis. Some people do change and capable of doing something good. The acts of some unrepentant drugs-smugglers do not represent all other drugs- related convicts. Besides, it was AFP (Australia) who helped Indonesia to apprehend them in the Denpasar airport. By the virtue of previous government, some convicts like MS and AC had a chance to show that they have something good inside them. Are you really going to keep a blind eye on people like MS and AC ?

Imagine, if you pardon several people who truly deserve a second chance, you’ll make so much difference in this world. In contrast, I will be ashamed to be part of a country whose government is extremely quick in cheaply handing a death sentence while other more important issues in the country cannot be effectively addressed.

I really want to still have a hope in you, Pak Jokowi. When I voted for you, I specifically wanted you to be a president, not the other politicians! It would be my mistake if now you’ve lost courage, are now listening to them and start making reckless decisions.

Kind regards,

Orang Biasa

(I'm not paid by anyone, but I'm just concerned with what is happening there...)

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