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Raissa Rishila Linandar
Raissa Rishila Linandar Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Raissa, more known as Rai. I'm an undergraduate English Education student at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.




Broken Rules, Perfect Tunes: How Pop Songs Break Grammar Rules to Connect

7 Januari 2025   15:23 Diperbarui: 7 Januari 2025   15:30 246
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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

Just love me the way I are.

The title and lyric "The Way I Are" don't sound quite right. It's a simple present tense thing with the verb "to be." Here's how it breaks down: 

- I = am 

- You, they, we = are 

- She, he, it = is 

So, the proper way to say is "The Way I Am."


4. One Direction - "History"

You and me got a whole lot of history

The lyric "You and me got a whole lot of history" has a grammar mistake, it should say "You and I" instead, since "I" is the subject pronoun.  This kind of grammar rule can trip people up, but there's an easy trick to figure it out. Just take out the "you and" and see if it still makes sense. For example, if you say, "Me got a whole lot of history." Clearly, that doesn't sound right. The proper way is "I got a whole lot of history." So, the correct version of the lyric should be "You and I got a whole lot of history."


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