Dokter umum,\r\nlulusan FK-Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, tahun 1998.
Lahir di Medan, 19 November 1972.\r\nTinggal dan bekerja di\r\nRengat, Propinsi Riau, Indonesia.\r\nEmail :
Alamat surat : Jl.A.R.Hakim 19-B, Rengat 29319, Riau.
a learner who live in village that has lost track of its history. Happy go to the island, love of the Sea and Concern of Conservation of Coral Reef. Ever feel the joy as a teacher and journalist. After failing to be politician, now works as a public relation worker, writer, observer of history and social culture. \r\nMy Email:
Makhluk berotak tiga yang sedang menyelesaikan studi di Univ. Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Berasal dari pesisir pantai utara (PANTURA), Jateng. Tepatnya Kabupaten Batang. Belajar dari pengalaman adalah kesehariannya selain belajar dari buku. Selamat berbagi.!!
Just a stroke survivor :
stroke dan cancer survivor, architect, 'urban and city planner', author, traveller, motivator, philatelist, also as Jesus's belonging.