Sehari-harinya ibu rumah tangga fulltime, dan pengajar part time. Alumni Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program dan Chevening Awards. Berminat pada khasanah pendidikan, media, dan budaya. Sekarang bermukim di Canberra, Australia.
Pensiunan Tk Becak, berasal dari Bolaang Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara yang kini tinggal di Denpasar, Bali.\r\nemail, or Please dial (571) 306-1588 or tinggalkan Pesan...................\r\\r\\r\n” What we think determines who we are. Who we are determines what we do. The actions of men or women are the best interpreters of their thoughts.”\r\nOur Thought determine our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy.By John Locke.\r\n