It is said according to a gossip from the sky that is received by the su Darman about uncle Mullah's death when he was under a banyan tree. Uncle Mullah eventually went to heaven, because he made a lot of people laugh and happy so he was given a special place in heaven, one day he was asked to go around his new neighborhood there by an angel.
At the intersection, uncle Mullah saw people being tortured, whipped and burned on fire. After being tortured they died but soon lived again and so on. It was like that over and over again. UncleMullah could not stand himself then he asked the angel. "O Angel, what place is it? and why are they being tortured? "
"O.. we call it hell, A place for people who like stealing, adultery, corruption and all other sinful acts during their life . " replied the angel.
O.. …
Then he was asked to walk again to see another place of torture until they reached the next intersection. Uncle Mullahsaw Amrozi and friends were in a nice place, full of pleasure and the scenery was beautiful. There they wereaccompanied by many beautiful naked women, beautiful music, and many delicious food. Then with a bit surprised Uncle Mullah questioned.
"O... angel what place is it?"
"O... It's Amrozi's heaven!" Replied the angel. Then they walked again. Ten minutes later there was
sound of bombs, Bluarrr, Oom Mullah surprised but still silent, they walk again. About ten minutes
later there was another bomb. Unable to bear with his curiosity he then asked the angel, "what sound is
that, O angel?"
"O.. It was a bomb, every ten minutes we blow Amrozi's heaven..!!!"
As told by Su Darman to Su Rahman.
Heaven ... heaven is a place that becomes the ultimate goal of men, I began to question perhaps we actually do not believe in heaven, since according to the lecture I often hear that the requirement to go to heaven is that we must be good, often do good deeds, but in fact now?. Levels of corruption is very high and that indicates that we are not good. Then what kind of heaven we want to achieve?
Although we often do worship, but if our attitude is not good, such as do corruption, hate others who has different belief as ours, or gossipping others and other bad deeds so I think we are still very far from heaven.
Heaven and Hell are one's mental condition, and therefore we often hear a saying: like living in hell, because covered by anger, envy, jealousy, resentment, sadness and much negatif emotions that burden our soul. The condition of our souls, now in this world will determine our acquisitions in the hereafter, if we are still full of bad emotions such as anger, hatred, grief, then what kind of heaven will we obtain?
Therefore some say that the failure to find heaven right now, while still living in this very world, it also failure to find a paradise in the hereafter later. If we want to find heaven in the hereafter later then we have to start from now, in this world. We have to bring heaven to our lives ourselves, by beginning to empower ourselves. Begin to improve ourselves so that we can also improve the surroundings. Thus we make this world a more beautiful place to live in, and then we talk about heaven in the hereafter.
No!, Do not talk about heaven first, if we are still unable to maintain our nature. Do not talk about heaven first if we still can not be responsible for ourselves, if we are corrupt, use our authority for our own sake. Do not talk about heaven if we still can not take care of ourselves, because is God willing to give heaven to those who still does corruption, which is still bad, full of hypocrisy?
Discover and create heaven here and now in this world then we will get the same thing there one day in the hereafter.
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