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Osama bin Laden is Reported Dead

2 Mei 2011   11:07 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:09 91
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All over the world are happy because of his death. What a pity? But that's the truth. Hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House to celebrate demise of Osama bin Laden. So many people do not like him for he had done terribly bad action due to other human being. He was the one who was behind 9/11 tragedy.

Many people died in that incidents and people around the world condemned his unciviled act. Well, it is not about the religion or the country where he came from but it is about his bad deed.

Although I am not fansof him, I pray that he may get the exact place "in his new world there" in accordance with his deeds.And if he comes to this world in the future, he could be a better person.

President Barack Obama proudly informed about his death, he also said that he does not fight islam nor hate it. Well, congratulation for you Mr. President and to all of us hopefully there won't be any terorism so the world will be in peace.

Image: Google Search

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