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Review: Singaporean Dr Susan Lim Case

16 Maret 2011   09:32 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:44 381
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Following Dr Susan Lim's fantastic medical charges amounting to $40 millions againts a member of Bruneian Royal family suffering from breast cancer. Let's take a simple look. Gleneagles Hospital Singapore doesn't seem get involved with it. Except  fact that she installs her clinic there. She doesn't take care of patient herself but by a team of doctors working for her. The doctor bills matter when Singapore Medical Council (SMC) found bills of those doctors cost her clinic, but then she sent to Brunei after mark-ups hundreds times high from original ones.

Doctors working for her do not matter because the enjoy good orders from her. In other way, they position themselves just like sub contractors. This kind of relationship encourage them in support for Dr Susan Lim's case in order to maintain job orders. Does morality matter those doctors working for her? Unfortunately, may be No. They are all only interested with making money as highest as possible, especially from the rich patients.

The patient, Pangiran Anak Hajah Damit was served by Dr Susan Lim' Clinic since 2001 up to 2007. Total medical charges amounting to $14 millions has been paid,  for 2001-2006 . In August 2007, she (patient) died. And then Dr Susan Lim submitted medical charges for the last 5 months totalling $26 millions.

Supprised with the bills, the Brunei called their singapore's advisor and counterpart. Case came to light when Singapore Minister of Health and Medical Council decided to look into irregularities at susan lim' clinic. Dr Susan Lim was alleged of overcharges, misconduct, breaking ethical codes. One overcharge found, for instance, a doctor bill cost her $1000 but then become $300.000 when submitted to Brunei. Alot of bills were made up that way. Throug negotions Dr Susan Lim finally decided to waive the last charge. But Medical Council insisted to further investigation. At least they find that fact that Dr Susan Lim enjoys 14 millions from the dead patient.

Since that moment the made public, people started keeping eyes on what is called "medical fraud" by Singaporean famous surgeon. There is no turning point to stop the case. Medical Council and High Court find this case to investigate and settle down.


*) related  more detail: Skandal Dr Susan Lim, Brunei Stop Berobat Ke Brunei

*) related  more detail: Pemerasan $26 Juta Pasien Kanker Payudara Oleh Dokter di Gleneagles Singapore

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