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Putri Pratiwi Amalia
Putri Pratiwi Amalia Mohon Tunggu... Marketing PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi

Putri is a communications student graduated from Telkom University, she has demonstrated work experience in the MRO and Public Relations industry. Skilled in Management, Teamwork, Leadership, Marketing, and have good enough communication skills to be able to interact with others at all levels and be able to manage the expectations of colleagues from diverse cultures and backgrounds while maintaining his personal drive to succeed through continuous learning and development .Putri is a communications student graduated from Telkom University, she has demonstrated work experience in the MRO and Public Relations industry. Skilled in Management, Teamwork, Leadership, Marketing, and have good enough communication skills to be able to interact with others at all levels and be able to manage the expectations of colleagues from diverse cultures and backgrounds while maintaining his personal drive to succeed through continuous learning and development .




Mengenal DI Runway 29 Cafe sebagai Ruang Publik Baru PT Dirgantara Indonesia

16 Juni 2023   16:53 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2023   16:53 1673
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Penulis : Putri Pratiwi Amalia (Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Telkom University)

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