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Putri Ramadhani
Putri Ramadhani Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa S1 - Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Ilmu Sosbud

The Two Chinas

17 Agustus 2023   02:07 Diperbarui: 17 Agustus 2023   02:33 78
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

For some people, there may still be people who cannot tell the difference between China and Taiwan. These two Chinas, which for some people are the same, have many differences that cannot be ignored. China or commonly called Tiongkok, the official name of the country is the People Republic of China. While Taiwan, the official name of the country is the Republic of China. When you compare them, they seem like dramatically different Chinese, but of course they have obvious identical similarities. And this is The Two Chinese. 

There are so many reasons why people think these two places are the same country. Just by looking at the natives in these two places, some people already think that China and Taiwan are one. Like China, Taiwan comes from the same race, the Mongoloid race. The mongoloid race is synonymous with slanted eyes and light-yellow skin. These two countries were the same in terms of the race of descent they belonged to. China is a country that has a culture to come on time. Similarly, Taiwan whose people value time very much. For example, when making an appointment with someone, come on time, because both Taiwanese and Chinese people really do not respect people who are late and when invited to eat, come on time and not too early. 

 Apart from the similarities between these two Chinas, they also have striking differences. One of the big differences between the two China is the form of government. China has a Socialist Republic form of government. In contrast, Taiwan has a Semi-Presidential Republic form of government. This different form of government has greatly emphasized the difference between the State of China and the State of Taiwan, even though China still thinks that Taiwan is still part of Mainland China. The second difference comes from the population, namely the official language they use. On the one hand, Bamboo Curtain country, China, the official language is Mandarin with simple characters. On the other hand, Taiwan uses Traditional Mandarin with traditional characters. 

For example,   (Xue xiao, simple character) and   (Xue xiao, traditional character) which both mean school. The last difference that I can explain is the Economic Source of the two countries. China is dubbed as the 2nd largest economic superpower in the world because of its fast-growing economy thanks to the production of goods and services. As for Taiwan, what is the reason why until now China as one of the superpower countries has still not been able to take over Taiwan? The answer is because Taiwan's economic resources are in the industrial sector, especially electronics, as the most important sector. Microchips to other very advanced and sophisticated hardware strengthen the relationship between the USA and Taiwan. 

In conclusion, these are two quite different China in terms of the power system, how they communicate, and how these two China maintain their existence in terms of state revenue. Although these two Chinas were created because of the dark history of the two countries, however, we can only hope for the best for China and Taiwan in the future. Together they keep the Balance of Power. 

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