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the worst memory in my new place

14 Desember 2022   17:05 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   06:11 204
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Aiden Abian, a 15 year old boy, he comes from a poor family. Aiden has both parents and two older sisters who live in a remote village. Aiden is a smart kid and has a very cheerful and friendly nature to anyone. When junior high school Aiden school near his house. He often won the class so that he got a scholarship to continue his education in urban areas. Currently, Aiden lives in a very far country from the residence of his parents. There he lived alone without his family.

On the first day Aiden entered school, when he saw his friends who were dressed neatly and the school facilities were very luxurious which was different from his junior high school in the countryside, he felt strange in this new environment. When Aiden was looking for a class, suddenly a boy approached and greeted him.

"Hi, my name is Steven class 10 A" said the man while holding out his hand.

"Hi Steven, my name is Aiden class 10 B" Aiden replied to the boy in front of him.

"I see it seems you are confused, where are you going maybe I can help"

"Yes, I'm looking for class 10 B, do you know where?"

"Oh yes, it happens that our class is next to each other, let me take you"

            Arriving at the front of the class, Aiden thanked Steven for accompanying him. Then, Aiden entered the class and sat at the back of the bench. A few minutes later, came Ben and his four friends who suddenly kicked Aiden out of his seat.

"Why are you sitting here? This is our seat, move to the front!!!" he said in a firm tone.

"But I'll be the first to sit here," Aiden replied, confused

The school bell rang, not long after that the teacher came and told all the students to introduce themselves one by one. after introducing himself the teacher also gave questions to his students and Aiden always raised his hand and answered all the questions given by the teacher so that the teacher and friends in Aiden's class were surprised. After school there was a girl who approached Aiden's seat.

"Hey, Aiden, why can you answer all the questions from the teacher, are you a student who got a scholarship?" said the woman while confused

"hi, nice to meet you, it's true that I'm Aiden, I moved to the city because I got a scholarship from my old school," Aiden replied casually

"Wow, it's really great that you can get a scholarship in the city," said the woman, amazed

"Thanks for the compliment" replied Aiden

And after talking they went home to their respective homes and carry out activities as usual.

March morning, Aiden wakes up and gets ready to go to school to take his exams. Arriving at school, Aiden was greeted by his friends.

"Good morning Aiden" said some friends in his class

"Good morning to you too" Aiden replied while waving his hand

Aiden approached his seat, but he received a cynical look from a group of men sitting in the back row. The bell rang, not long after that the teacher entered the class.

"Good morning children, how are you ready to take today's exam?" asked the teacher

"Good morning madam, we are all ready for today's test" answered the students

"During the exam, there should be no items other than stationery, question and answer sheets. It was emphasized to all students that no one should cheat or collaborate," said the teacher in a firm tone

"Okay ma'am" replied all the students

The students finished the exam quietly. It was already 12 pm and the bell had already rung. All the students returned to their respective homes.

The morning came, Aiden headed to his school ready to take the exam. The bell rang and all students entered the classroom and were ready to take the exam quietly. However, Aiden felt something was wrong because he saw Ben and his friends cheating and working together during the exam. After the exam was over, Aiden immediately rushed to the teacher's room to report what Ben and his friends had done during the exam. Not long after that Ben and his friends were summoned to meet the principal and they were given a punishment and not allowed to take the exam again.

When school came home, Ben and his friends pulled Aiden and took him to the school warehouse.

"Hey, Aiden, how dare you report us to the principal, you challenge me? HAH?!" Ben said angrily

"But but you did the wrong thing" replied Aiden casually

"Yeah it's up to me dong" while pushing Aiden to fall

"what?!!! Do you want to pretend to be the champion or feel the smartest?!" said one of ben's friends

"You're poor, you go to school because you get scholarships, there are lots of styles," said Ben

When the incident at the warehouse took place, Aiden didn't fight Ben and his friends in the slightest, even though they punched Aiden in the face until he bruised. Aiden went to his house with weakness and bruises everywhere.

The next day Aiden went to school even though his whole face was bruised. The bell rang and the teacher came to class,

"Good morning, children, are you ready to take the exam?" the teacher greeted cheerfully and enthusiastically

"Good morning too teacher, are you ready ma'am" replied all the students

"Aiden, why is your face bruised?" asked the teacher

"I'm fine ma'am" replied Aiden

"Okay, let's start the exam this morning, except for those in the last row ben and friends" said the teacher

The exam took place quietly and Ben and his friends left the class because they were not allowed to take the exam by the principal. In the middle of the exam, Aiden gets permission to go to the bathroom and accidentally meets Ben and his friends.

"Where are you going?" he asked

"want to go to the bathroom, why?" replied Aiden

"Where's your pocket money? Here for me!" Ben said while reaching into Aiden's shirt pocket

"I don't bring any money at all" Aiden replied while grabbing Ben's hand

"Don't lie," said one of Ben's friends

Even though Aiden had fought them, they still reached into Aiden's pocket until they found Aiden's money and took it. And Aiden returned to class to continue working on the exam. The clock struck 1 pm and the bell had also rung, Aiden immediately collected the answer sheets and immediately left the classroom and continued on his way home.

The next day, when he arrived at class, Aiden immediately sat down on a chair and prepared the equipment he used while taking the exam in class. A few minutes later, the teacher came into the class and immediately gave the question sheet and answer sheet. During the exam, all students took the exam in an orderly and calm manner. After school, Aiden was called by Ben and his friends.

"Hey, Aiden, I'll be waiting in the regular warehouse, there's something I want to talk about," said Ben

"Okay I'll be there later" replied Aiden

Aiden walked down the classroom hall and headed for the warehouse, but the incident repeated itself. Aiden was beaten until he was bruised and they repeatedly said demeaning words to Aiden.

"Being a poor person has a lot of style," said Ben in a high and vengeful tone

"Don't look for attention"

"Want to be the smartest kid in this school?!"

"you are poor"

Ben and his friends said so many negative words while beating Aiden, but Aiden was just silent and he couldn't do anything because his hands were tied.

Shintya and Erick are Aiden's class mates who are walking around the school while waiting for their parents to pick them up. When they walked through the warehouse, they accidentally heard a sound in the warehouse, because they were curious, they broke down the warehouse door and saw Ben beating Aiden with both hands tied.

Erick immediately helped Aiden while Shintya immediately ran to the teachers' room and took the teacher and security guard into the warehouse. Ben and his friends were immediately taken to the principal's room, it turned out that Ben and his friends had done so much to the detriment of students at school that the principal made the decision that they were expelled from school.

Oh my lover of Allah

Oh lover of Allah

I shed tears hearing your story,

so tired of your struggle in bringing the light of truth 

 You sprinkle your sacrifices for your people who you love so much

 even if you have to go through the pain of your heart

 Your personality is as high as the sky so I can't reach it 

 Your beautiful character is like a garden in heaven 

 You are the light of my world when darkness covers this earth 

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