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Muhammad Eko Purwanto
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Parents Testify: Why Choose 'Al Azhar Schools' for Our Children ?!!

1 Januari 2024   14:26 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2024   16:41 490
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Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic Middle School Students 44 Grand Wisata, Science Education) 

By. Muhammad Eko Purwanto

Education is an essential aspect of every individual's life. As parents, choosing the right school for our children should not be taken lightly. One of the best choices for holistic education with Islamic values is through Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, or Grand Wisata areas. Here are 5 (five) reasons why our children succeed in these schools:

1.   Islamic and Cultured Educational Environment

 Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas provide an educational environment that aligns with Islamic values. Cultural diversity is promoted and respected so our children will grow up tolerant and loving individuals who appreciate differences. All students are taught to make Islamic teachings their guide in every aspect of their lives.

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic KB-TK 11 Kemang Pratama Students, Introducing Computers to Children) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic KB-TK 11 Kemang Pratama Students, Introducing Computers to Children) 

2.   Quality Academic Programs

Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas have long been known for their quality academic programs. The curriculum is based on national standards and the latest knowledge, complemented by in-depth religious teachings. Trained and experienced teachers will accompany our children in the learning process, giving them a solid academic foundation to achieve future success.

3.   Holistic Character Development

Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas not only focus on academics but also pay attention to character development. Our children will be taught Islamic values such as integrity, honesty, hard work, and discipline. Through guidance and self-development programs led by experienced teachers, our children can develop leadership skills, creativity, and good communication. This will complement their understanding as academically, socially, and emotionally successful individuals.

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic Middle School Students 44 Grand Wisata, Islamic Education) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic Middle School Students 44 Grand Wisata, Islamic Education) 

4.   Modern Facilities and Technology

Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas have modern facilities and technology supporting learning. Comfortable classrooms have supporting facilities such as smartboards, smart TVs, laboratories, libraries, and sports facilities. With this conducive environment and adequate facilities, our children will feel motivated and inspired to pursue academic and non-academic achievements.

5.   Collaboration with Parents in Educating Children

Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas value cooperation with parents in educating their children. There is open communication between teachers and parents, and regular meetings are held to discuss the development and achievements of the students. Parents who are members of the Jam'iyyah committees are also encouraged to participate actively in school activities, such as attending seminars or volunteering in extracurricular activities. This synergy between the school and parents will give our children optimal support and supervision.

Therefore, the above factors are important considerations when choosing a school for our children. Enrolling our children in Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas gives them the best opportunity to develop into pious individuals, achievers, and ready to face future challenges.

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic Middle School Students 44 Grand Wisata, Science Education) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Al Azhar Islamic Middle School Students 44 Grand Wisata, Science Education) 

Testimonies from Parents

In this testimony, parents feel very fortunate to have chosen Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas. Parents can provide positive feedback about their experience with these schools. Here are 5 (five) testimonies from parents whose children attend Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas, including:

1.   Testimony from Mrs. Desti Faoziyah, S.E, Parent of a Student at Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Junior High School, Asri Kamilah Gading Syah (Class 9B).

 "As parents, education is one of the most important things in our children's lives. That is why we sent our child to Al Azhar Islamic School in Jakapermai. Since joining this school, we have seen a tremendous positive impact on our child's academic and spiritual development. As a result, our child, Gading, was trusted to become the Head of the Student Council of SMPIA 9 Kemang Pratama. In addition to quality academic learning, SMPIA 9 Kemang Pratama also provides strong religious education. Our child not only gains an in-depth understanding of the subjects but also learns to be a pious and morally upright individual. Not only that, the atmosphere at Al Azhar Kemang Pratama is harmonious among teachers, parents, and students. We are proud to be part of the Al Azhar Kemang Pratama family. The friendly and caring teachers can motivate our children to study hard and grow into independent individuals with leadership qualities."

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 6 Jakapermai (Introducing Discipline and Responsibility to 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 6 Jakapermai (Introducing Discipline and Responsibility to 

2.   Testimony from Mr. Sapto Aji, S.Kom, Parent of a Student at Al Azhar 44 Grand Wisata Junior High School, Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Class 8A).

"We are very proud and happy with our decision to enroll our child at Al Azhar 44 Grand Wisata Junior High School. This school focuses on academics and pays great attention to character and personality development. Our child is taught to be independent, responsible, and have good social skills through excellent programs such as counseling guidance, leadership development, and daily life training. Since joining this school, we have seen significant changes in our child's attitude and behavior. Furthermore, the school provides complete supporting facilities such as smartboards, smart TVs, Chemistry and physics laboratories, adequate libraries, and comfortable study rooms."

3.   Testimony from Mrs. Irna, Parent of a Student at Al Azhar 8 Jakapermai Kindergarten, Alifa Ramadhini Kurniawan (Class A2).

"As working parents, Al Azhar 8 Jakapermai Kindergarten's facilities are beneficial. This school has an integrated and quality before and after-school care program. Our child feels comfortable and happy in this program. We also appreciate the good communication between the school and parents. We always receive regular information about our child's development through parent meetings and student progress reports. This greatly helps us monitor and support our child's development at school. In addition, KB-TK Islam Al Azhar Jakapermai also involves parents in school activities through participatory programs such as social activities and family events. All of these help us feel more involved and close to the school."

Sumber Gambar : Dok. Humas Sekolah (Murid SD Islam Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai, Berlatih seni musik)
Sumber Gambar : Dok. Humas Sekolah (Murid SD Islam Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai, Berlatih seni musik)
4.   Testimony from Mrs. Dwi Astuti, S.E., mother of M. Hanif Nabil (Grade 5B), an SD Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama student.

"SD Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama provides our children with a holistic education. We have witnessed remarkable progress in academic fields and the development of their talents and spiritual intelligence. In terms of academics, the school has highly dedicated and qualified teachers. They employ innovative teaching methods and provide individual attention to each student. Our child not only gains a deep understanding of subjects but also becomes accustomed to critical and creative thinking in problem-solving. SD Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama also pays comprehensive attention to developing our children's talents. Many extracurricular activities are offered, such as music, information technology (IT), religious studies, science, sports, and social activities. We are delighted to see our child able to develop their interests and talents alongside their academic routine."

5.   Testimony from Mr. Ali Sadikin, Parent of a Student at Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai Junior High School, Fathan (Class 9D).

"Our child is happy to attend Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai Junior High School. Fathan feels warmth and love from the teachers and classmates. Our child feels motivated to develop fully in academic and non-academic activities. We also appreciate the ethics and moral program implemented by this school. Although our children learn daily with Smartboards and laptops, they are taught to be honest, disciplined, and have good manners. They are also taught social values and respect for differences. We are grateful and satisfied with our decision to enroll our children in Al Azhar Islamic Schools in Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata. The holistic education based on Islamic values they receive in this school is valuable in shaping their character and future."

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 6 Jakapermai, Excellent in Extra-Curricular Field) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 6 Jakapermai, Excellent in Extra-Curricular Field) 
Message from the School Principal

Next, here are 5 (five) opinions and messages from the Al Azhar School Principals in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas to prospective parents, including:

1.   Attention to Student Character Development (Principal of Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Junior High School, Mr. Amiruddin, M.Pd)

"As the principal of Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Junior High School, one of the opinions and messages I want to convey to parents is the importance of attention to forming students' characters as future leaders. Education should focus on academic achievements, moral values, and good manners. Therefore, we strive to create an environment supporting the students' character development and providing teachings prioritizing values such as honesty, discipline, and responsibility."

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 9 Kemang Pratama, Outstanding in Extra-Curricular Fields) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 9 Kemang Pratama, Outstanding in Extra-Curricular Fields) 
2.   Importance of Collaboration between School and Parents (Principal of Al Azhar 44 Grand Wisata Junior High School, Dr. Buchori, M.A)

"One opinion and advice I want to convey is the importance of collaboration between the school and parents in supporting student development. We believe quality education can only be achieved through good coordination and open communication between the school and parents. Therefore, we are very open to receiving input and suggestions from parents and actively hold meetings and discussions on various educational matters related to our students."

3.   Ensuring Student Safety and Health (Principal of Al Azhar 8 Jakapermai Kindergarten, Mrs. Hj. Maryani, S.Pd)

"One opinion and advice I want to convey to parents is our commitment to ensuring the safety and health of our students. Our school has strict security standards, good supervision systems, and strict security protocols. We also provide complete health facilities and medical personnel ready to address students' health needs. We hope that parents can support our efforts by informing us about their children's health conditions in detail and paying special attention to a healthy lifestyle at home."

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 44 Grand Wisata, Achievement in Extra Curricular) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 44 Grand Wisata, Achievement in Extra Curricular) 
4.   Improvement of Teaching Quality (Principal of Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Elementary School, Mrs. Hj. Sulastri, S.Pd).

"As the school principal, one of my main goals is to improve the school's teaching quality. We continuously evaluate and develop the curriculum and teaching methods to be more innovative so students can have more effective and enjoyable learning experiences. Therefore, we expect the support and contribution of parents in providing input and feedback regarding the teaching practices carried out in this school."

5.   Preparing Children to Be Excellent Individuals with Noble Character (Principal of Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai Junior High School, Mr. Abdul Hamid, Pd).

"One opinion and message I want to convey to parents is the importance of preparing children to become excellent individuals with noble character. Our school pays special attention to developing students' academic and non-academic self-potentials. We also integrate religious and moral values into all activities at school. Therefore, we expect parents' support and cooperation in supporting our children's cognitive, emotional, and spiritual development."

Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 44 Grand Wisata, Achievements in Extra-Curricular Fields) 
Image Source: Doc. School Public Relations (Student of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 44 Grand Wisata, Achievements in Extra-Curricular Fields) 
In conclusion, with solid reasons, proud testimonies from parents, and motivational messages from school principals, Al Azhar Islamic schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata areas have proven themselves to be the right choice for students' education, preparing them to achieve remarkable achievements. Al Azhar Islamic schools, under the auspices of YW Al Muhajirien Jakapermai, not only shape strong character but also produce future generations ready to face the future with conviction and excellence. Therefore, join us and experience it for yourself !!? Wallahu A'lamu Bishshawwab.

Bekasi, January 1, 2023.

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